Arya: Chapter Nine

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Arya had her elbow on the desk, propped her head against her hand and had fallen asleep.
The man supposed to be watching this group of detention, Coach Morris, had left to go get a gatorade and never come back.
Her desk was littered with tiny, paper, folded ninja-stars that she had made out of her homework.

Arya woke with a start, and looked about the empty room.

"Jesus," she said looking at the time on her phone, "isn't someone supposed to be...WATCHING ME!?"

She had shouted the last two words, and yet no-one was coming.
She suddenly got an idea.
Arya always kept a big, black, permanent grease marker in her pocket for impromptu 'art,' and this seemed like the perfect occasion. She took the marker out of her pocket and was thinking about what to put on the whiteboard, when none other than Vice Principal Lyons comes through the door, looking for Coach Morris. Arya quickly put her hands behind her back.

"What are you doing here?" She more accused than asked.
"Just waiting to see your smiling face, Vice Principal."
"I meant what did you do to get in detention?"
"I can't seem to recall," Arya stated.
"Shocking." Lyons retorted.

She set down a manilla folder with several papers in it onto Coach's desk.

"What's that you've got in your hand?" Lyons asked suspiciously.
"Why, nothing, Vice Principal," she said bringing her left hand out from behind her back.
"The other hand, O'Neill." She ordered.
Arya put her left hand back behind and then moved her right hand out in the open.
"Nothing, again." Arya quipped, "I guess you don't win the prize."

Vice Principal Lyons looked at her with a sour expression.

"Both hands," She spat.

Arya hesitated, then took both hands out from behind her back, both were empty.

"Nada." remarked Arya.

Lyons looked annoyed and then left the room.

In Arya's back pocket of her grunge jeans stood the marker.

"That was close," she said, taking it out.
She decided not to tempt fate and placed it in her front pocket. After all, Lyons could be waiting to catch her.

"Well, now who's gonna entertain me?" she asked herself, looking out of the window.

Suddenly a head and shoulders popped up in the window, between the bushes and the building.

"Okay..." Arya said quietly, "and now I want a million dollars."

She quickly noticed the head was home to a mess of straight black hair that fell a little past the shoulders and the shoulders were bare.

"Is she..." Arya got up from her seat a moved closer to the window, "naked?"
She looked down through window and saw a supple pair of buttocks and not a stitch of clothing.

At first she giggled a little bit and took a couple pictures, she wasn't going to share this poor girl's shame, but she had to admit, it was kind of funny.

The asian girl turned to look through the window, and immediatly began blushing brighter.
Arya had taken a picture of her face too.

Arya recognised the girl, the was a part of student council. She had also helped ban closed containers from outside at school.
Arya hated this rule, she had a friend over 21 who would sneak her alcohol, which she would hide in a sports water-bottle.
At first she thought she would spread these pictures around, as a sort of revenge, but felt an immediate pang of guilt.
Arya had been in a similar situation before, and would not have gotten out unhumiliated if not for the help of one girl.

She quickly grabbed a dry erase marker from the board and wrote 'yats ereht tel em pleh uoy'. Which backwards is; 'stay there let me help you'.

The girl hesitated, and then slowly nodded.

Arya raced outside the classroom and down the hall to the nearest side exit.
She then made for the student parking-lot, where her old Chevy truck was.
She turned the key and the engine roared to life, she drove over the grass and pulled up beside the girl, opening the door.

The helpless girl got in and shut the door.

"T-thank you..." she said, shyly.
"No problem," Arya replied, avoiding eye contact, "do you have a car I should drop you off at?"

They then drove off of school property.

The girl was covering what she could, while blushing vividly.

"Here, grab the wheel." Arya told her.
"What?" she asked as Arya let go of the wheel and swerved into the wrong lane.
The girl quickly grabbed hold of the steering wheel and corrected their course.

Arya was taking her shirt off.

This made the girl blush harder.

"Put this on," Arya said, handing her the 'Guns 'N' Roses' T-shirt, "I'll be okay."

The girl took the shirt and noticed that Arya didn't have a bra, but she did have her navel pierced.

Arya lit a cigarette.

"Thank you..." she said.
"How did that happen anyway?" Arya inquired, between puffs.
"It was an accident." she stated at once.
"Yeah, I could tell you weren't a perv by looking at your red cheeks."

The girl blushed once again.

"The ones...on your...face." Arya elaborated, beginning to blush herself.

After some silence, Arya spoke.

"Well, we've seen eachother's tits and don't even know eachother's names, I'm Arya O'Neill."
"I know who you are." she corrected.
"Well, I don't know you," Arya stated plainly, "I mean, I know you're on the student council, but that's about it."
"You can't tell anybody about this!" She exclaimed, "I would be mortified! And my poor parents..."
"It would bring dishonor to you family?" Arya added.
"You're not serious," the girl asked flatly.
"No, of course not," Arya said, wishing the kung-fu movies she liked were based on fact.
"Well, that's good."
"Yeah," Arya responded, "and I mean, hey, it's not like you're the only one who's ever gone through this anyways."
"Really..?" She asked, looking rather surprised and relieved.
"Of course not," she said reassuringly, "I'm pretty sure everyone deals with this at least a little. I did."
"Oh my god!" the girl responded, "I'm so relieved! I thought I was some kind of pervert for getting a little excitement out of it, or maybe more than a little."
"Uhm..." Arya tried to interject.
"I mean, I knew people got off to weird things, but I was worried that I was beyond abnormal," she went on, "and you say everyone likes this?"
"Well, actually," Arya said slowly, "I meant that, I thought everyone had an accident that ended up with them naked..."

The girl quickly became scarlet red, knowing she just outed herself.

"So," Arya said after a while, "you get off to this, huh?"

She now had both hands covering her face, which was very red.

"N-no..." she attempted to lie.
"It's far too late for that, sweets." Arya said, clearly enjoying watching the girl squirm.
"My names Kasumi Watanabe," she stated, trying to change the subject, "I know you're Arya."
"Nice to meet you, Kasumi," Arya responded, a light grin on her face.

They turned left into a residential neighborhood.

"So, was it actually an accident, Kasumi?" Arya pressed.
"At first, no," she admitted, "but it went too far, too fast."
"I see."

Arya pulled into a drive way, and shut off the truck.

"Come on, I'll get you some clothes," Arya ordered, "and if you still need release, you can use my bedroom."

Kasumi began blushing again.

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