Chapter 2/ secrets

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I ran back home as fast as I could, slamming the door behind me so no one could see me. I crashed my head into a pillow and tried to hide my thoughts. My feelings. All I could think about was him(u know). He consumed all of my thoughts, him and his perfect flag, his adorable smile, and....UGH NO!! I can't think things like this! This is wrong, this is gay! And I'm NOT gay! If I was, my father would kill me. Even though he is dead, he would still crawl from the depths of hell to beat my ass for even thinking something like that. I loudly groan, as I think over our interaction. I almost lost my cool there, a moment longer staring into his eyes and I would have blushed. I claw at my heart, trying to dig out my feelings so I can throw them away, but they stay there. I flop on my bed, exhausted. Well, at least I don't have to see him until the next meeting.

I was lounging on my bed, still perplexed by the situation, but whatever, I'll jus scroll through Instagram for a bit. I did this for about an hour before my brother called. "Hey bro, what's up?" I said. " Well I noticed that you and Russia were the last ones to leave so I was worried you guys fought again" "don't worry broski, I didn't fight this time." Canada sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, we really don't need another war right now." I smirked. "Well, I would win anyways." "You don't know that!" "Yes I do." The phone was silent for a moment. I wanted to keep the conversation going, so I asked "... how is dad?" My brother was silent for a minute, but he replied "yeah he's doing good. He's still sore about you leaving, even after all this time". I was shocked. "Well, if I don't get a seat in parliament and still get taxed for ridiculous things, I'm leaving. Besides, I like doing things on my own. It teaches me to be strong." Unlike you. " I'm gonna go meet up with UN now, ok?" Suddenly I snapped to attention. " Wait, why are you doing that? What are you guys planning?" "Uhh... we're just going to... talk about yo-trade and stuff, yeah." I could tell he was lying, but I decided to not press him. " ok broski, catch you on the down-low!" "Ok, bye!" And with that he hung up. I face planted into my pillow, relaxing and thinking about life. This when on for some time, when all of a sudden there is a sharp pain in my hand. I immediately call the president of my nation. "Hey, what's going on over there?" "Well, sir, it seems as there has been another terrorist attack, this time in California." Shit. "Focus help crew there, find who did this and put them in jail. In the meantime record a message to the public about these attacks to calm them." "Yes sir". I sighed heavily and looked at my arms. Corruption, greed, and terrorism had cut into me for years, and now it was starting to become quite literal. I thought about who I could ever reach out for to help. While my mind crossed with many names, only one stuck in my head. Russia? No, I couldn't. He hates me so I hate him. Such a commie, I doubt he would ever consider helping me. I did paperwork the rest of the day and fell asleep. I dreamt of the Cold War, at the beginning, when I was so confused. When I liked him.

Authors note~ I hope you liked chapter 2! Chapter 3 coming soon since I have spring break this week. Word count-630 ish

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