09 | nodoka

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As much as she wanted to ignore him or her (though she's pretty sure that the anon's a him), she couldn't. She had to find out who he is . . . or was there a different reasoning?

"Who are you?"

"I won't tell you."

"Come on."


"I'm starting to feel suspicious. I might just call the police on you."

"What makes you think they'd pick your side?"

"Getting way too full of ourselves, aren't we?"

"You got it, love."

"You are starting to creep me out."

"I mean no harm."

"Then tell me who you are."


"Nice to meet you, No."


"Dude, that was terrible."

"I no."

kyouya's lines are in italics and these are written conversations between them okay emphasize written on the title.

btw in case you don't get the 'no' in the end ... it's actually 'know' so it's 'i know'. yeah i'm hilarious (and very punny) and apparently i'm using kyouya's character to show my epic sense of humor (and puniness). STOP ME. ITS MAKING HIM OOC. 

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