"Hey guys, are you okay" I said and they nodded well Mineta was scared to death but so far they are fine. "The villains knew our whole schedule and who will be here. They must have gotten to the files when we were stuck in the cafeteria, while the teachers were trying to make the media leave school grounds. That means they been waiting for a perfect time to attack, just like Todoroki said they were" Midoriya said. "Hey!!! Hold on a second it's not like these guys are can actually kill All Might. When he shows up he will beat those guys up until there's nothing left" Mineta said while punching his fist in the air.

"Think about it though, if the villains spent so much time on this attack then they probably figured out a way to kill him. And didn't you here what the smoke guy said maybe we should be worried about not getting tortured to death. Otherwise we might not survive long enough to see All Might again, even if he shows up who knows if he will make it out in one peace" Asu said. "No the pros are going to save us wright. Tell Tsuyu to shut up" Mineta said to me.

All of sudden I hear the water moving. "You bastards I will enjoy eating you" a villain said. "That's cannibalism" I said looking at the villains. Mineta screamed "AAAAAAA BAD GUYS!!" I looked at Midoriya who looked like he was thinking of something. "If they can beat him...then we have to stop whatever it is these guys are planing. We have to work together to keep All Might safe. No one in U.A. knows what's happening. This is up to us let's be a hero" Midoriya said and I nodded. We all looked at the villains.

As a few minutes went by Midoriya thought it s a good a idea to fight. "HUH!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIGHT ARE YOU CARZY. THESE GUY MIGHT BE ABLE TO KILL ALL MIGHT AND YOU THINK WE CAN TAKE THEM. DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD. ITS BETTER TO WAIT A PRO HERO FROM U.A. TO COME AND SAVE US" Mineta was crying and yelling. "Think about it, those villains from down there have the advantage of water and assume that's were we fight" Midoriya said.

Er"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING." "If that's the case they probably knew what was inside of U.S.J before they came here" Asu said "Yeah but with a group with such carful planning, there one thing that really sticks out to me something doesn't just doesn't add up. They send you here Asui-OOOO.........OOPS I MEAN ASU, yeah they teleported you here to the Shipwreck Zone" Midoriya said. "Why does it matter if she's here!!" Mineta said.

"Right, it means that the villains have no idea what our quirks are" Midoriya said. "Your wright because if they knew her quirk then they would of put her in the Fire Zone instead of somewhere that has a lot of water" I said pointing at that zone. "They probably separated us because they didn't know what we could do and planned to over power us once we were in smaller groups easier to pick us off one by one. We could use that as an advantage they don't know what our quirks are, so for all the three of us can be super powerful. Look none of them are trying to climb the boat that proves that they are little unsure but that doesn't mean they are underestimating us either, their being smart and playing it save...for now" Midoriya said.

Man how do they know all of this. I barely know anything I thought. "Let's talk about our quirks. I can go first if you want. I obviously can jump pretty high and climb on any wall, and of course their is my tongue, I can stick it out about 20 meters long" Asu said. "I figure that you were powerful but that's amazing. I have my super strength but it comes in a price. When I use it my bone breaks" Midoriya said then looks at me.

"Well, if you seen what happened earlier my quirk allows me to have my wings whenever I need to, and I can also summon my weapon which is a bow'n arrow but it can only be summoned if I press the star on my ring. I also can heal people pretty good. There is also something else but I don't know much about it but all I could say is that it involves with fire or something" I said.

"Thats really interesting, I never heard of a quirk like that" Midoriya said "Yeah my parents quirks mixed together and it made this quirk.....I think" I said and waited for Mineta to say something about his quirk. "I got these sticky balls, depending on how I'm feeling they might stick into something for the whole day. They grow back quickly once I pull one of them off, but I'll bleed if I use too much and they don't stick to me. I will bounce right off of it." We all stared at him.

Angel (Bnha x Male reader) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now