Chapter 16: PFT! WHAT?!

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Thx XxMidnight_FlamexX for helping me decide on a book to write! So enjoy and hope you like it! And thank you guys for 250 views!!! Bye!
(Y/n) POV

i woke up and it was night time. I sat up and looked around to see nothing but pitch black. Then there was a knock at my window and with the help of the moon light i saw it was my twin Andrew. I got up and went to my window and opened it. Andrew," hey twin!" Me," hey andrew..." andrew," did i wake you?" Me," no i woke up my self!" I chuckled a bit and let him in. He cane in and smiled at me. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Me," so whats up twin?" Andrew," not much! Dad wouldn't stop ranting on how good of a father slender is and how he took better care if you than him- it just got really annoying and i left!" I laughed but hushed myself cause everyone is still asleep. Andrew," oh are you okay?! We were worried sick about you!" Andrew hugged me and i chuckled quietly. Me," im alright! If i wasn't would i be here right now?" He chuckled and replied saying no.

Time skip........*cough* by jeff *cough*

Andrew left and i left out my room and walked around. Offender was awake and saw me and smiled.  Offender," hello princess!" Me," whats up offendy." Offender," its real early for anyone to be awake?" Me," then why are you awake?" Offender," watching you sleep till slender dragged me out." Me," and you say it with no balls!" I chuckled and he smiled. Then i saw slenderman and he came over to us knowing Offender-*cough* pedo *cough*- and looked at me with a smile. Slender," good morning my sweet daughter!" Me," morning!" Slender," why are you up this early?" Me," i have been since midnight or I don't fucking remember?" Slender," language!" Me," sorry! I kinda got use to it since insane cusses a lot!"

' Yeah! And what the fuck is wrong with me fucking cussing? Huh!'

'Darling you do it all the time!'
(Sorry i had to change smexys word font!)

Me," and there she goes again!" Slender," well then ill have to get use to it too!" Me," your letting me cuss?!" Slender," yes!" Me," PFT?! WHAT?!" Slender," yes i am but only since insane can cuss you can too cause I can't exactly stop her from cussing." Me," okay cool!" Slender chuckled and offender hugged me.jeff," offender back off!" Me," and here we go again...." offender," make me jeffery!" Jeff," my pleasure! Let go of her and lets fight!" I saw jeff smirk and chuckled. Offender," deal!" Offender let me go and it was a huge mistake as jeff came and hugged me and Offender growled. Offender," HEY!" Jeff," your a horse?" I laughed and offender growled louder. Jeff," now you know how i feel!" I shook my head and sighed. Me," wow this is now a pain in the ass!" Jeff," and who gave are you taking about?" Me," *sarcastic* im talking to casper,jeff!" I rolled my eyes playfully and he licked my ear. I blushed and jeff chuckled. Slender," jeffery!" Me," well!" Jeff," its hard to hold back something like that when your in love with this wonderful demon angel!" Slender growled and i face palmed. Me," dad calm down!" Slender," but he-" me," imma run away!" Slender," no no! Please no!" Me," then calm down!" Slender," okay okay okay!" Jeff," thats hot!" Offender," thats bigger than hot!" Me," shut it." Jeff," make me!" Me," i will make you!" Then smexy took over a bit and she turned around and kissed his neck. Slender," (Y/N)?!" Smexy," sorry daddy! Its not (y/n) right now!"  Jeff," me likey!" Smexy went back and i backed up and blushed. Me," god i hate you smexy!" Jeff smiled at me and i chuckled. Me," hey wheres lj? I miss hanging out with him!" Jeff," *growls* probably asleep!" Me," your such a yandere jeff!" I left to ljs room and went in. He was asleep and i giggled. I went in and laid down in bed with him and just looked at his sleepy face. I then poked his cheek and he slowly woke up. Lj," *sleepy* huh? Im up im up......" me," lets hang out!" Lj," awe! You missed me!" Me," maybe maybe not!" Lj chuckled and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. Jeff," HANDS OFF YOU CLOWN SHOW!" Lj," at least im a good show to watch you horror show!" Jeff," AT LEAST IM SCAIER! YOU COULDNT PULL OFF MY DASHING LOOKS!" Lj," the looks that make people run away." Me," im about to teleport out of here." Jeff and lj," no no no! We're sorry!" I chuckled and lj smiled and kissed my forehead. Jeff growled and i giggled.  Me," dad!!!!" Slender," yes my sweet lovely and what i would protect and kill anyone that hurts you daughter?" Me," whats for breakfast?" Slender," sadly its bacon and waffles." Me," oooo~!" Jeff," that was overkill slenderman!" Lj," yeah what you said was just over doing it!" Slenderman," shut up!" Me," at least he shows he cares!" Lj," i care too!" Jeff," me three!" Offender," and me four!" Me," your idiots too!" Slender," alright lets go for breakfast!" We got up and left to the table to eat.

Zalgo POV

Me," BACON AND WAFFLES?! THATS NOT EVEN A GOOD BREAKFAST MIX?!" I was over exaggerating on the breakfast slender man is feeding my daughter. Samuel," its better than what we eat! Human blood and human intestines is not a good breakfast!" Patrick," yeah she's lucky she can have that for breakfast!" Me," shut it! At least i feed you!" Patrick," at least slender is a better father then you!" Me," *breathes to talk but stops*" theres a moment of silence and Patrick smirked. Patrick," exactly!" I huffed and looked back at the crystal ball i used to watch my daughter. Henry," why do you stalker her?" Me," I'm not stalking her! Im just watching her and what she does 24/7 without her consent!" The boys," thats what stalking means?!" Me," I'm just protective her and want her to be safe!" Andrew," oh really? Well your not doing a good job cause someone just kidnapped her." Me," WHAT?!" I quickly look back at the crystal ball only to see her laughing and eating. The boys laughed and i growled. Me," your all grounded for a millennia!" Boys," what?! Thats not fair!" Me," fine! Your grounded for a thousand years! Now go to your rooms!" They groaned in annoyance and teleported to their rooms. Me," *sighs* what am i gonna do with them!" I sat on a near by couch and groaned. I then look at the crystal ball and see that (y/n) is happy and safe. Maybe slender man is a better parent then me? I continued to watch the ball till i realized something I should've known sooner! Me," wheres Stripes?!"

Cliffhanger. XD

daughter of the devil!: yandere nina(lj x female reader ×offender x jeff.) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن