Chapter 6: kidnapper? Lover? Which one?

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Two days later......
(y/n) POV
I wake up and feel like i was wacked in the head with string! I sat up but was stopped with pain in my wrists. I look at them and see chains along with my legs, but my legs chains are a bit longer. I stand up and look around. Me," meh?" I shrug and sat back down and went back to bed. Man," is she serious?!" i open my eyes and look around but didn't care and laid down. I smiled as its quiet and i hear the door open- wait the door opened? I open my eyes and see a man with a mask. It half a painted smile and black eyes. I see a girl and she's in a white dress with a sword, blond hair, pretty eyes, and she looks awesome! Then i see two other men but i got lazy and didn't want to describe them. me," *yawn* hey Who you guys? *yawn*" they look at me shocked except for the guy in the mask. Girl," your not scared or worried where you are and who we are?!" me," no not really. Why?" guy," im bloody painter! This is my girl judge angel, that is puppeteer and that is jason the toy maker!" i look at the two i was to lazy to describe and smiled. I look at judge angel and smiled at her too. Then i look at painter and he felt familiar some how? Me," hi! Im (y/n! Nice ta meet ya!" i stretch out my arm for them to shake and they are more shocked. Me," not ready for hand shake? Alright!" i smiled and put my hand back on my lap. I yawn and sat up. Puppeteer," your seriously not scared or wondering shit?!" me," does slender man have a sister?" painter_" no. Hm? Get her out of the chains and give her a room! She'll stay here and train under our care!" i shrug as puppeteer and Jason unlocked my chains and helped me up. They lead me to a room which is im to lazy to escape. Puppeteer opens a door and i go in and instantly get on the bed. I smiled and felt sleepy again. Jason," *whisper* dude look how chill she is?! Why isn't she freaking out?!" puppeteer," *whisper* i don't know but i like it!" i chuckled cause they think i can't hear them. Me," im not scared cause you guys are like daddy and slender man! Duh! Plus I've been in so much drama I've lost that *pretend* *gasp* where am i?! *normal* so yeah, plus *yawn* im sleepy half the time so meh!" i look at them and sit up to see them next to the bed. Puppeteer," cool!" jason," maybe we'll like this training thing after all!" i shrug and lay back down. Me*" can i sleep now?" jason," sure!" they left and i roll on my side and fell asleep..........

Puppeteer POV
We left and she fell asleep but we went back in as we are not allowed to leave her room. Me," she's pretty cool!" jason," yeah i thought she would escape but She's pretty chill and lazy.........I actually like girls who are lazy!" he blushed as he looks at (y/n) and i 'tch'. I look away but i find myself blush at her too. Me," god dammit your right!" jason," ha ha- wait! Back off puppet! You've had a girlfriend before let me have her!" me," key word 'had'! Plus i would be married if you didn't go and be a yandere and kill her!" jason," i thought it was you!" me," even worse!" jason," the point is let me have this one! You already experienced love! Besides painter and angel always express their love in front of us and its annoying!" me," yeah true. Ugh and when they say lovey dovey things to each other and make out! Blugh!" we laugh a little and (y/n) mumbled something. (y/n," no...........Im not going home slendy................No you either daddy................Unless you learn to make up then maybe......................Like hell i will....................No! Im not going home..............Just let me sleep normally dammit............" she rolled on her left and her face was shining with the hallway light. Me," ghm! Rrrr!" i looked to the door and see in the mirror that im blushing a dark red. I glare at myself and look at jason who i see is sitting with her stroking her hair. Me," what the hell?! How did you do that so quietly?!" jason," i don't tell my secrets!" me," what ever!" i cross my arms and look out the window. She hates them cause they won't make up and be one family. They fight constantly and never see what (y/n) is feeling. Man that must suck! Having two families that fight all the time and always argue on who can have that one beloved child- oh that's her! I feel bad even......She lost her interest in being surprised and shocked and im pretty sure if that feud continues she'll lose all her emotions! Dammit slender man! Consider someone elses feelings for once- (y/n)," daddy stop.................Stop arguing already...............................Grrr! Then i hate you..................." tears streamed down her cheeks when she finished and i can tell it was harder for her than for zalgo. She jumps up and sees us. She whips her face and sat on the floor not looking at us. She silently cried and my heart drops. Don't you dare help her! Don't you fucking comfort her! I sat besides her and she whips her tears away and put on a happy smile. Me," don't hide those emotions. Its bad for you!" she looks and me and tears fill her eyes. She's so fragile! And they don't see that! They think she's tough cause she puts on a tough act as well. But inside theres a girl crying wishing to tell the truth of how she feels. Me," your family giving you a hard time?" tears flood out her eyes and she hung her head. Me," don't worry! Next time when you see them tell them how you feel and im sure they'll listen-" (y/n," my dad called me a weak idiot! And that i always need saving.............I told him i hated him............But it just hurts even more!" she got up and ran i to the bathroom provided for her. Jason," way da go puppet! You made her cry even more!" me," at least i tried to make her feel better! What were you doing huh?!" jason," making a stuffed puppy! So making her cry more was your plan?" me," could've at least said something!" jason," im sorry! Im making her something cute! You used words that are repeated everyday!" me," and puppys are seen everyday?" he growled and i smirked. Me_" exactly!" jason," what ever!" i got up and knocked on the door. No response. I put my ear on the door and hear water running and water splashing. I sat on the bed. Me," she's washing her face or something. Migjt as well wait till she's ready to come out-" she came out and she looks out the window. (y/n," there here and wanna fight!" me and jason jump up and she looked angry. (y/n," im not going home! Don't let them take me!" she clenched her fist and we nod. Me," okay lets get ready-" (y/n," i told painter and angel telepathically so they're ready outside. Just make sure they don't take me home." jason"" okay! Stay with us!" she nods and sat on the floor. She made a human replica and the real her stood up. (y/n)," if i wanted to escape i would've done it a long time ago but i don't wanna leave. They'll see my ghost copy and think its me so we have time to hide somewhere else." jason," boy you really don't wanna go home!" (y/n," not after what my father said............Hell no!" we nod and left the room. We went my room which is with jason which is in the attic. Me and jason have a lot of stuff and need a lot of room to do our own thing! Plus me and him come in a pair so we can't be separated! (y/n)," cool room?" me and jason," thanks!" she automatically went for the bed. My bed to be exact. Me," jason and i should watch the other side of the room! You can go to sleep or lay down?" sleep in my bed so i have an excuse to lay down with you! (lol yandere much?! Hahaha! I had to put this guys! Im sorry!) she laid down and i mentally danced while physically i blushed. Jason," maybe we should stay close to her in case they come in." me," yep even better!" i jumped next to her in bed and she looks at me shocked. YES! I made her shocked! Wait is that good thing or bad? I smiled at her and she shrugs. No dammit! She lost interest! I look at jason who is glaring at me and i smirk. I put my arm around her and i caught her attention. She looks at me wide eyes and i smiled at her while mentally i wanna kiss her and sleep with her! But right nows not a good time for that is it? (y/n)," this is awkward..................Uh.................*pop noises with your mouth*" she was nervous and i chuckled. The attic door slammed open and i got up ready to defend (y/n)! Zalgo and andrew came in and (y/n) looked pained. Zalgo," (y/n) im so sorry! I was just angry and i wasn't thinking-" (y/n," save it! I don't wanna hear it so just leave me alone!" Andrew," sis............Twin............(y/n) come back home with us-" (y/n)," have you all once considered what i was feeling?! I didn't like that you all hated each other! Your the same and yet you fight for stupid reasons! And i never expected my own father to call me weak!" i look at her. Her eyes were covered by a black shadow or something and all i saw was her frowning. (y/n," i don't even wanna look at you!" she disappears but takes me and jason with her. We reappear and see painter and angel confused. Painter," how-" (y/n)," i transfered us in the woods far from where ever the hell we were at. Don't worry i concealed our presents so they won't find us. I even made them go off course and go north towards slender mansion." angel," damn you really don't wanna be found!" (y/n)," with what im going through hell no i wanna be hidden!" painter," welcome to the team then. You'll be with us and train with us! And as long as you wanna be here with us then we can help each other!" (y/n)," sure i don't care." i can feel her energy and it feels like its in pain. I feel bad and smiled at her and put my arm around her. Me," welcome to the team then! Smile at least? Please?" she looks up and gives us a fake smile. I sigh and shook my head. Me," a real smile princess." (y/n," huh?!" she looks at me shocked and i chuckled. Me*" got ya!" (y/n)," tch! Dont call me that!" me_" okay!" she chuckled and smiled and i smiled. Me," there it is!" (y/n," damn you for being funny!" me," im not funny! Im just weird and say random stuff!" she laughs a little and i chuckled. Painter," ugh your so cheesy!$ me and jason," says the guy who makes out with his girl 24/7!" he 'tch' and angel smiled. Angel," alright we need a new hide out-" (y/n," i know the perfect place!" painter," lets go then!" she walks off and we follow her into the city.........

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