Chapter 15: SACRIFICE!

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Still Ariel's POV

And my time was now....... I stood there scared of death for once. I was frozen in time as time was telling me..........times up ariel............i didn't like it and as i was frozen slender,trender,and splendor came to me and kept trying to snap me back to reality. I was back and i glared at puppeteer. I stomped towards him and he saw me. Me," dammit puppeteer! You made the sacrifice early! Now thanks to you someone has to risk their life to save her................And it has to be me....." tears stung my eyes and i fell to the floor and sat on my knees. Ej and jeff came to me in a panic. Ej," what?! What do you mean?!" me," i left cause of a vision i had...........Before i died i wanted to see places and know more..............But i should've used that time with you all.............Now thanks to puppeteer my times up and instead of 20 days its 20 minutes!" i cried as i didn't want to leave them.......Especially ej. (y/n)s power was growing and in 10 minutes she'll reach full power and then there will be no stopping her! I stood up and stared at (y/n). I sigh and walked towards her and as i did an invisible wall stopped the others from coming to stop me. I don't know why im scared tho. I've never been afraid of death. Never have really. Now im afraid and i fear of everyones expressions. I was under (y/n) now and a black shadow came out and wrapped itself around my waist. I tried to break free as i wanted to say goodbye but it didn't let go. It was to late to say goodbye and i just had to accept my fate..............My destiny.................My ending.................As the shadow brings me towards (y/n) i felt weak and felt like i was loosing energy. I was in front of (y/n) now and i was glowing like a light. Her eyes glowing red and mine glowing gold. We both screamed from the agony of this feeling. And i blacked out...............Or really i should say.............I died...........

(y/n) pov

I wake up and insane and smex were crying. I was laying down on the ground and i sat up. I see everyone running to me...........Except for ej.

Shes gone.............

nσ.........ѕhє cαn't вє gσnє............ѕhє juѕt cαn't!

I shake my head and felt like something big happened. Slender," (y/n) are you alright?" i look at slendy and nod. Me," uh yeah...............Why are my voices crying?" cw," oh (y/n)............ A.........A-ariel sacrificed herself to help you............She's gone!" her voice cracked and tears stung my eyes. Ariel was like family to me...........And she risked her life to save me............She died for me...........Me," no.........No no no no...." i stood up and tears left my eyes. My eyes flooded with tears and they flowed out like rain. I step back not believing she's dead. Slender," it was a vision she had a few months ago. She wanted to spend time here and came back but as so it happened now. And puppeteer accidentally caused it to happen early and now she only had little time...........She's gon-" me," no! Don't say it! I don't wanna believe it! Ariels not gone! S-she's still alive!" i grab my head and closed my eyes trying to make myself wake up, but im not dreaming..... This is reality............And nothing more than reality...... Tears flow freely down my cheeks and my eyes sting like fire. I can feel everyone's emotion and they feel sad and broken as well. I just thought if ariel and the little time we spent together. Even tho it was little time that i was with her, it felt like years of happiness. The only thing on my mind was wishing...............Wishing ariel was still here and still alive....... Then i feel arms wrap around me and gasps. The others emotions are shock but over joy With happiness. I open my eyes and look was Ariel and she was smiling at me! My eyes widen and i hug her tight. Ariel," i didn't think anyone would want me alive that bad......" me," i always want you alive!" she chuckles and i smiled. Me," you risked your life for me...." ariel," i was destined to die here............I guess my times not up just yet?" i chuckled and she smiles. Ariel," so bring back the dead aye? Wish i knew that ages ago!" we let go and she was tackled by two boys. Ej," don't ever do that to me ever again!" jeff," dammit i thought you would haunt us as a spirit!" ariel laughed and they got up. Ariel," next time tell me your gonna tackle me!" they nod and everyone surrounds us. Slender," well now that everyone is alright and no one died-" me and ariel," technically someone did die but they're back alive!" slender," we can go back home and rest and do what ever you all wanna do!" jeff hugged me tight and i chuckled. Me," hi jeff! Did ya miss me?" jeff," your fucking lucky your adorable as fuck!" jeff let go of me and was then pushed away by lj. Lj," i missed you! I was worried as fuck for you!" me," glad to know i can be missed." jeff and lj," take that back right now!" i laughed and then i spot ej and ariel hug. Me," awe! Thats so cute!" jeff and lj looked and jeff growled. Me," *gasp* i wonder when ejs gonna propose! Oh i wanna see ariels face when it happens!" jeff," WHAT?!" me," what what?" jeff," he's gonna propose to Ariel!" me*" yeah!" i smiled and jeff looked like he was gonna ballistically murder someone. Lj," why are you so worked up?" jeff," non of your concern dammit! Grr! Ill be back!" jeff stormed off and went straight to ej and ariel. He pushed ej and ariel looked at jeff confused. Lj," *sigh* he likes two people. What a bummer." me," hm? Who are those two people?" ljs eyes widen and he looked at jeff with worry. Lj," uh well ariel is one and the other is a human? Yeah ariel and a human!" me," huh and to think i thought he liked me? Well guess my hunch was wrong." lj," h-hunch?" me," yeah but i guess im wrong!" i look at jeff and my heart felt heavy. I look at lj and my heart felt light again. I look back at ariel and them and see ej and jeff fighting. But i was then running to them cause ariel was out cold on the floor! I slid to her on my knees and check her pulse.............She was still alive. I sigh relieved and ej was punching jeff and jeff was bleeding out same as jack. I growled at them ans they heard me. They were then separated as i used my abilities to do so. Me," UM! Hello! Ariel is knocked out and you two are fighting?! What the hell you jerks!" i fucking did it now! Rage filled me and rage was insanes specialty. Ej," sorry its just that jeff kissed my girl!" jeff," shes mine!" my heart sank at those words then lj punched the both of them and my heart fluttered. Lj," ariel is like a sister to me you fucks! Stop fighting for her like if she's a new weapon of your destruction!" jeff," she can destroy me all night!" lj and ej both growled and jeff just smirked. I then realized with the help of insane and smex. But they started to argue so im not gonna go into detail. Ariel woke up and jumped up. Ariel," did you kiss me or was i dreaming?!" jeff blushed and ej growled. Jeff," if you were dreaming then i wouldn't be smirking!" ariel," dammit jeff!" jeff," your welcome gorgeous!" i shook my head and insane let me back in control. Me," *sigh* your so lucky i care so much about you guys!" i let them go and ej went straight to ariel and hugged her.Ariel chuckled and hugged him back. Jeff hugged me and i smiled but lj pushed him off and they growl at each other. Me," awe! Come here wolfy wolfys!" i teased them and they look at me and smiled. Jeff ruffled my hair and kissed my cheek but started running as lj started chasing him. I chuckled and tendrils were wrapped around me. White tendrils. I was pulled backwards and then hugged while someone repeatedly kissed my cheek. Me," offender! Stop!" he did and chuckled. Offender," your finally okay again!" i laugh as he squeezed me and refused to let me go after slender and them told him to. Slender," let her go offender!" offender," im sorry! Im trying to make her feel better as you feel different if her!" me," yall are hilarious! Put me down!" splendor," your gonna end up hurting her- your gonna drop her!" offender made it look like he was gonna drop me but he was messing with them and we were both laughing. Offender kissed my cheek again and i pushed his head away and he kissed my hand. Me," dammit offendy!" he chuckled and lj and jeff were glaring at him.Offender," alright now ill put you down!" he said it through my hand. I removed my hand and he put me down but he kissed my cheek once more and i stuck my tongue out at him. Jeff and lj quickly pull me away from them but i was basically dragged away! My legs dragging on the ground as they try to not hurt me. The let go of me and i stood up. Me," what was that for?! I had fun plus offender cheered my up!" they growled at offender who had followed behind us. Offender," i cheered you up?" me*" i was a little pissed since i saw ariel knocked out." offender *" oh me likey happy!" me," don't ruin it!" jeff," *growls* lets go home!" slender," alright everyone be still and do not move! If you move you may loose a body part!" everyone froze and slender teleported us back to the mansion. But by the corner of my eye i saw ej and ariel sneak off into the mansion. I chuckled and i snook off as well. I followed them and heard dead silence! So i waited and waited but nothing. So i left back to my room and laid in bed. I grabbed some clothes and showered. I changed into a black tank top,black shorts, dyed my hair with a purple strip,and then laid in bed. Someone knocked on the door and i said for them to come in. I closed my eyes as i was tired and someone jumped on me and hugged me. I open my eyes and see nina! I smiled and hugged her back. I missed seeing nina and her normal loving self! She let go and i let go and we both sat up. Nina," i missed you so much!" me," i missed you too nina! Im glad im back home!" she smiles brightly at me and i chuckled.nina," i was so worried about you! Im so glad your alright!" i chuckled and she smiles. Me," im fine and i missed hanging out with you!" nina blushed and i giggled. Nina," alright i had to go do something but i came to see you so now i gotta go! Bai!" me," okay bye!" she got up and left and i smiled. I laid back down and just tried to go to sleep. Jeff," LJ YOU CHEATED!" lj," NAW AW! YOUR JUST JEALOUS!" my door slammed open and i didn't even know nina closed it. I look at the door but didn't bother to move. Jeff and lj were fighting to get in and i just closed my eyes and paid no attention to it. Then i heard grunting and the bed go lower along who someone on top of me.i open my eyes and see jeff then lj pushed him to the wall and was on top of me. Me," what do i owe to see you two fighting again?" lj," ha ha very funny!" i chuckled and jeff shoved lj off me and lj fell on the floor. Lj," hey!" jeff," your a horse?" i laughed and jeff chuckled. Lj,"*sarcastic* ha ha! Very funny jeff!" me," oh cheer up lj!" lj smiled at me and i laid on my stomach. Me," so what did you guys need-whoa!" i was picked up and hugged tightly. Me," geezus you scared the crap out of me offender!" offender," i just missed you that's all!" jeff," offender put her down!" offender," neva!" offender teleport and we were in the kitchen. Me," *complain* man I wanted to relax today!" slender," i agree! Offender put her down!" me," oh my gosh thank you!" offender," nu!" slender," put her down!" offender," fine!" offender put me down and i sat in a chair. Me," now i can relax!" slender," im afraid i have to stop you there! See remember zalgo?" me," yeah my dad along with you. Why?" slender," he lost andrew." me," classic dad! He lost me and andrew the first day we met!" i chuckled and slender shook his head. Slender," and he says im the bad parent!" i chuckled and slender smiled. Me," so what do i do?" slender," nothing." me," wait so i relax or i look for my twin?" slender," both!" me," fuck it! Im out!" i teleport to my room and lay back on my bed. I closed my eyes and then my door slammed open again for the millionth time already! jeff," baby!" jeff jumps on the bed with me and kissed my neck. Me*" dammit jeff!" i pushed him away and he chuckled. Offender," jeff!" offender pulled jeff off and i was tired of this shit. Me," offender put him down!" offender put him down and jeff jumps back next to me. Me," fuck that backfired!" jeff smiles and i sigh. Then i was picked up and offender pulled me towards him. Offender hugs me tight and i chuckled. Me," how is it you guys can stand doing this 24/7?" they shrug and i rolled my eyes.offender put me down and growled at jeff. I told them to let me sleep and they left and i got in bed and fell asleep...........

FINALLY! I FUDGING FINALLY UPDATE THIS BOOK! I hope y'all liked it cause i did leave you guys in suspense and im sorry for that! But i have now updated and will continue this book! But please read my other books! I've made to many and have no clue why i did this to myself and they are fresh but by the time you read this they'll probably have like thousands of reads or shitz? Well bai and luv u all!

daughter of the devil!: yandere nina(lj x female reader ×offender x jeff.) Where stories live. Discover now