Chapter 9: past and present regrets

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*flash back*
*age 5;monday;5:45am; in your room: before all the drama*
I wake up and smell fire. I knew what to do and hid under my bed. Dad," (y/n)! Where are you! I have a gift that will make you light up!" i fear as my father enters my room flipping everything except my bed. Dad,"(y/n) the more i don't find you the pain ill give you! So just come out and ill only make it hurt a little!" he left the room and growled yelling my name. I cried and came out. I shakily get out my room and go to my father. His crooked smile satisfied that i finally came out. Dad," now if you scream ill hurt you 10 times worse!" i cried scared as ill be tortured. He picks me up from my collar and throws me on the ground. He picked up my shirt to where my stomach is shown and he burned my skin. I screamed from the pain and he laughs satisfied. My mother smiling at my pain and drinking whine. 'Of course they're drunk! Please just stop this pain' my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. My father stopped and i feel my skin as if still burns. I cried and curl up into a ball as the pain increases. And with that i knew life was a fucking hell and it will never give mercy.......

*flash back over*

I touch my stomach and through my shirt i can feel the hard cold skin of my burned stomach. Me," uh.......Y-...........It hurts............I can still feel the burning pain when he burned my skin.............Please don't show me that...........Get it away from me...........It still hurts!" i grasp my stomach as i remember the pain and the laughs as i was tortured with that flame. The boy threw it away and hugs me. Tears falling as my eyes were more widen and bleeding. Father,daddy and slender came to me and jeff looks at my eyes. He can see the pain and the darkness in my eyes. The pure happy little girl is no longer shown in my eyes............But only a girl who has lost her mind and sees insanity as a medicine to help her.
Why the hell did the fucking kid show you that?! Kill him!"
He didn't mean it!
He didn't mean it my ass! Where did he get that anyways! He had no fucking god damn right to fucking show you that dammit!
stop cussing! And im not killing the kid! He didn't mean it and he apologized!
If you won't kill him then i will! Let me out!
No! Your staying in my mind!
Let me at him! He deserves to die for what he's done!
Hes just a kid! And your not going anywhere!
NO! Your going no where you insane idiot!
I dare you! Do it! Tear me apart! I have no reason to live anyways so just do it!
Whats wrong! Huh! Do it! I wanna die so just tear me apart!
Come on! What happened to that tough bastard that wouldn't listen to me! Just fucking kill me!
My voice didn't respond and i smiled. Me," exactly bastard! Your to fucking damn scared to do it!" jeff," (y/n)! Snap out of it!" i jump up and look around. I see jeff looking at me worriedly and i gasp heavily. Me," what?! Huh?! Where am i! What happened!" jeff," holy crap! Don't fucking black out like that!" I look around and see the children worried and crying for me. I stood up and see slender and daddy talking about something and father tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed waiting impatiently for me to awake. Jeff," are you alright?! Who were you talking to?!" me," the voice in my head........I got in an argument with it and i guess i won."

Just don't fucking get used to it! I will the next one you fucking hear me!

Me," yeah i hear loud and clear you dumb fuck!" jeff," you talking aloud not in your mind!" me," hm! Oh sorry just that the fucker won't shut up!"

I barely even spoke!
Me," yeah but I've heard you for like hours and im annoyed already!
Im you?! Im you but your more insane side dammit! Your just annoyed of yourself! Logic duh!"
Me," do you ever shut up! I know your me but do you always have to talk!"
Oh shut up! Like i said before you'd be-
Me," I'd be dead if it weren't for you and yadda yadda- yeah I've heard it a thousand times so shut up already!
Ya know you can be a jackass sometimes right!
Me," at least i know how to rock it! Unlike you complaining that your better and blegh blegh blegh! Ya know your a vampire but your a vampire of 'greatness'!"
Im your damn insane mind! Im not a fucking vampire!
Me,* do you like the taste of blood and drink it?"
Sometimes- what's that have to do with this!?
Me," yep my insanity is a vampire! Hey jeff be careful cause if my insanity ever comes out run cause it'll suck your blood!" jeff," what?!"
Im not a fucking vampire you fucking unstable idiot!
Me," at least i don't cuss every two words!"
Me," exactly! Stay quiet!" jeff," are you done?" me," yeah im pretty it won't come for awhile!" jeff," finally! Hearing you talk to your voice was funny till you said vampire!" me," that's why i keep her trapped in my head!"
Me," she's back." jeff," what'd she say?" me," she said*mocking* 'im not a fucking vampire dammit' *normal* heh she gets triggered easily!"
Rot in hell (y/n)!
Me," im already drowning in it!"
Fuck that backfired! Damn you ya fucking smart mouth!
Me," thanks foe the compliment! I didn't know you can be nice!" i chuckled as she started cussing. Jeff," you fucking lost it! You talk to that fucking voice a lot!" me*" ya know you sound like her! You cuss,kill,trigger,and your like a vampire!"

daughter of the devil!: yandere nina(lj x female reader ×offender x jeff.) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz