"Hyung I saw one comment, with no replies and hardly any likes so I promise you this will not blow up and barely anyone will even notice. Besides, if they do then come on Jimin it's ARMY, they love you, they would never judge you. Sure some people like to start rumours but practically nobody ever believes silly rumours like that anymore. ARMYs know us Hyung, most wouldn't even want to mention it in fear it would upset you like this, they are people just like us and we know how empathetic they are, they won't want you to get upset over this."

I tried my hardest to comfort him, wiping the occasional tear that fell from his eyes and bringing him in to hug me.

"So you're not even judging me?" He mumbled against my chest before sniffling slightly and looking up at me, "of course not Hyung, it was probably just the music, if your brain happened to recognise any of the words then it's not a shock that it happened really, I've heard that song loads of times so it wouldn't affect me but it's a rather sensual song Jimin-Hyung." I chuckled and he blushed again.

"I know I know I should've listened when you told me, but I mean it was quite hot in the room and we were jokingly complimenting each other so I dunno I think it was a mix of a lot of things. That's why I rushed out so quickly afterwards and why I've kind of been... avoiding you recently..." He mumbled sheepishly.

I sighed feeling relieved and he frowned at me in confusion, "I thought I'd upset you somehow which is why you were ignoring me, I was so worried you hated me or something." I laughed, slightly embarrassed that I'd let myself get so worked up over Jimin not talking to me for almost a week.

"Jungkook why on earth would I ever hate you, especially if you literally hadn't done anything that could have upset me?" He giggled and I grinned at him, glad I'd managed to make him laugh even though he was feeling so embarrassed and upset.

"What are you smiling like an idiot for?" He giggled again, just making me smile brighter, "You." I replied simply making him stop laughing.

We had a moment of silence, but it was as though neither of us even registered the silence, his cheeks had tinted pink again and his beautiful wide eyes seemed to just stare into me.

My heart started to race and I gulped, I broke the eye contact in fear of doing something wrong in my entranced state.

He coughed slightly and shuffled about on the couch, "Uhm, thank you Jungkook. You just always know how to make me feel better." He spoke softly, looking down at the floor as he spoke, the blush on his cheeks still prominent.

I love that he blushes, it at least gives me a little hint at how he's feeling, so I know when he's all flustered or embarrassed. Jimin has never been very good at hiding his emotions. It's cute.

"You're welcome Jiminie, the same goes for me with you, we just go great together." I hoped he'd only take that in a friendly way, but at least I know I meant it flirtatiously. I wish he knew how I felt about him, but it's too risky to just tell him, so many things could go wrong.

"Yeah we do, my little Maknae." He looked up at me and grinned again, making it my turn to blush a little.

"So are you sure you're okay now?" I asked and he hesitated before nodding slightly, "Yeah, I guess, there's not anything I can do about it so I guess I'll just hope not many people notice. I think I'll always be embarrassed about this, but I blame you though." He laughed and I frowned.

"How is it my fault? Did I turn you on?" I smirked teasingly, he stopped laughing and hid his face in his hands, "shut up that's not what I meant. I meant like, you let me dance to that song with you and then you sent the footage off without checking. Your fault." He faked an angry pout at me before breaking into embarrassed laughter again.

He stayed in my room for a while longer and we spent the evening chatting together.

He ended up falling asleep on my couch so I decided to take a picture and post it on Instagram.



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Jeon.Kook_Official Sleep well Hyung 😴💞 @P.JM_Official

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KookiesNCream OH MY GOSH, Kookie you're such a sweetheart please take care of sleepy Jiminie 🙏🏼💗

95Liners If only Vmin was still cute like this, I feel like the 95 line might have fallen out recently and that's why Tae did that appreciation post, did he upset Jiminie? ☹️

Jikook4Lyfe That's Jungkooks couch in his bedroom isn't it? Awh did Jimin fall asleep in his room!? How adorable 😍💖

TaeeeHyung_Official @95Liners uhm no, Jimin and I have not fallen out, I just appreciate my best FRIENDS. Besides Jimin and Jungkook have always been a little closer than Jimin and I. Do look after him though he's been a little worn down recently Kookie 💜

Jeon.Kook_Official @TaeeeHyung_Official Of course I will. He just fell asleep while we were chatting, it was super funny and cute 😂💞


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