Ravens thought

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Raven Pov:

Cybrog" so it's a bit far away so you can't see them very clear but it was.....Slade and star....." Omg I knew it! " what do you still have the video?!" Best boy asked very shocked, I'm shocked too, why would Star be with Slade, she knows how much Robin has been through because of that guy, wait.....I don't want for think this but always be safe then sorry....has Star been with Slade all a long? Wait, what I'm I thinking she's Star! Even if I won't want to admit it she's by best friend! Impossible. " yea I have the video saved here I'll show you" I quickly remembering to answer Beast boy. I then played the video. You could see sort of that it was Star and Slade but then camera was to far out to be able to make out the words. I looked around cautiously to see everyones reaction, I was curious as to what they think. Everyone's eyes was fixed on the screen while the video was on repeat, I wonder if we should let Robin know about this...Robin will take it seriously..maybe even too serious. Should I? " impossible...why was Star with him?!" Cyborg whispered harshly." Guys she must have a proper explanation for that" I tried to reason because my his tone of voice and face expression he is quickly accusing Star of something." What possible explanation can there be??? Do you see them? It's like there on a date! How can she do this to Robin?! Robin has even been finding a gift for her! I can't believe this" After his outburst Beast boy ran to his room, what is happening Starfire would never do anything to Robin, there not official, they've been on dates but Robin still never asked Star to be his girlfriend yet but you can see it in his eyes he loves her, and Star you can see it in her eyes she....she....likes him.....I...whatever no this is wrong, Starfire would never mean to hurt Robin if she really is meeting other people she would definitely tell Robin yea that right, she must just have been talking to Slade about Silky or something yea that's probably  it. Ok first think first Im going to talk to Beast boy and Cybrog before they say something to Robin that will make him and Star have a fight.

Authors Note:
Hey guys sorry I haven't been really into this book lately, but I'm trying to get back to it hopefully I'll be able to keep going.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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