Lying again??

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Author note:








@ Dr_Anonymous

Thank you so much for the lovely/amazing comments! Hope you enjoy my book

(After the date)

Star Pov: that was a really nice date, so I said" I had a great time Slade, but can I please have Sliky back now?" Slade smiles at me and said" of course my dear" then he said" she'll be at your window tomorrow and maybe we can do this again an other time?" Hmm I'm not so sure that I should do this again with him, so I said" yeah maybe" then he said" here's my number call me anytime you need me princess" then he stood up and walked away.

Robin Pov: hmm I wonder where Star is, I haven't seen her all mourning omg maybe she's in trouble, I should tell the others, we should have and emergency meeting! So I quickly ran to the living room where every body was an so yelled" Starfires missing! " them Speesy and Aqua stood up and yelled at the same time" what?!" Then we heard the door open and star walked in and I said" Starfires where have you been?? I was so worried"

Star Pov:

I said to Robin" I was...." I didn't know if I should tell then or not, they might get really mad maybe I should find a better time to tell them, so I said" I was going for a walk" Robin looked at me and he just stares at me, I was so scared that he figured out something was up! But then he smiles and said" Starfire next time please tell us ok?" I'm so glad he didn't figure it out so I smiles back and said" sure thing" then u quickly walked away so that they won't notice anything. When I got into my room I was shocked! Silky was sitting on my window! I thought he said tomorrow, I quickly ran there and opened then window then I said" my dear Silky I misses you so much, did you miss me?" I was cuddling him, then I saw there was a note on him and it said" my princess I know I said tomorrow but I know how much you love this pet so I gave it back from your dear Slade" I was happy, but then... Could I be falling for Slade?? Ugh what ever we'll I gotta go tell Robin that u found Silky! But why if he asked how I got him back... I'll just say he was at my window which or the truth. So I walked down and saw everybody there speedy ran up to me and said" hey Star want to sit next to me?!" But thenRobin came and pulled me down beside him, i blushed and every one was shocked and he just acted as if nothing just happens. Then I said" guys I have good news I found Silky! He was outside my window!" Everyone cheered, but Raven gave a weird look, oh no, she must figured it out well....she's telling me to go into her room well... Best of luck to me.

Authors note: do you think Raven knows??

What do you think she's gonna say to Starfire is she does or doesn't know? And hanks

for reading my book, please vote and comment thanks. Oh and I was gonna update this on Thursday but I thought if I already have it why make you guys wait? So I'm gonna update this on Tuesday , but I'm trying now to update every Thursday.

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