Answers, everyone wants them

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Robin Pov: I looked at Star and I didn't even know what to say! I mean she might be confused as to how I know it was him, well I recognized his voice, in the time that I was obsessed with catching him, I analyzed his voice and I was able to recognized it. I think I should go back to doing a little more re searching him, I mean I have to find out why he was even here with Star! and why he didn't have his mask on! Cause now I know who he is........ Aha! Maybe he must be planing something! Yea that's probably it, when I looked back at Star she seems really worried, so I asked her" hey Star? Why were

You with him?" I pointed at the door he walks out of, she then said" I don't really know, you see I was waiting for you then he just walked up and sat down for a bit" hmm I really need to go back and look into this, I must find out why he came and talked to my Star.... But... It's almost Stars birthday she's turning 16 she wouldn't like it if I kept myself in my office any more, since Star gave me a great present for my 17th birthday so I should start finding a gift. Ha I must look really weird just spacing out talking to myself so I said to Star" hey Star? Let's finish this" so then we continued our date.

Red X (Xavier) Pov:

Man that was too close way too close, now he knees what I look like but hey that's ok, it's part of my plan, ha he won't know what hit him. Man tho, I love it that he thinks I'm an old guy! It was one if my best ideas to call him a kid! Haha and he actually feel for it and thinks I'm like a old dude. But in real life I'm actually 17. Oh! I almost forgot it's almost Stars birthday! I must find the greatest gift ever! But how would I get her to invite me there now that she knows I'm Red X? Hmm I'll come up with something for sure! But for now I'm gonna go think up so ideas for Stars gift.

Ravens Pov:( she's at home)

Hmm when Star and Robin went in there date, I was in my room trying to figure out how silky is back, I can't seem to get anything tho, ah! I should go see Cyborg maybe he has some footage that mightn't be useful. So I walked down the hall till I got to the kitchen and like usual Cyborg and Beast Boy is playing video games. I then walked to Cyborg but before I could say anything he said" oh Raven, I was waiting for you to get out of your room, I just found something interesting" oh maybe he did know how Star got Silky back?? I've never seen Cyborg that serious. Then he turned to beast boy and said" yo man sorry I can't play anymore we'll continue this later, I have to talk to Raven about something, and don't you dare lose all the data we just played you better save it" beast boy

Laughed and said" ha now way I'm I gonna lose all that data!" Then just then, while laughing he pushed a button and the tv turned off. Then Cyborg yelled" man!! You just lost it all!!!"

Beast boy was freaking out! *chuckle* this is actually kinda funny, anyways I then dragged Cuborg out cause it might be important. When I got him to the hall he said" ok so I was looking through the camera because I wanted to see if it was working probably and you should see what I saw, it's not very clear cause they were far away but it was..... Star and Slade........


Oh know! Now they know! What do you think is going to happen?!

Oh and from the last chapter I wrote , people were wondering how old Red X might be, and what I found was very interesting, I found this information on yahoo answers , so I'm not 100% it's true. But one answer said that Red X was actually Robin from the future and that Robin made that suit so he could train this younger Robin. What do you think about this?

I also found another answer where they said, they thought Robin was Red X, and that Robin was just a hologram.

Hmm interesting what do you think about this?

I tried finding out how old Red X is but it never gave and answer.

But I did do some research on Raven, and the writer said that she is 18, and she's a year older then Star so star is 16. Raven is 18 because she can drive. Home you guys enjoy this chapter and sorry for not updating sooner!

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