In the mouring before boarding the ship

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A MINY NOTE: Thank you to all of you who voted, commented and read my book, but I would like to give a special thanks to these. Few people who had wrote a comment about if I should continue you or not. My special thanks goes to these few people: BabyDollsSuckerPunch, Flamestar18, allygirl0664, and saskura909.
And also I would like to thank the two person who told me that it was a good book from the very beginning when I was still just righting chapter 1: melodramacticmango17, and NabicanEmpress.
I would just like to thank you those people for telling me to continue, it makes me fell special :) So I will be continuing this book! Oh! and if I spelled one of the names up there wrong, I am really sorry about that.




Oh ima gonna get star to myself if my plane goes well. So first I'm gonna tell Speedy that that his mother called and said that there's a fish stuck in her mouth, after that he flys all the way to his mothers house, when he's gone I'm going to tell star that he left cause he has an emergency, by the time he gets back, me and star should be long gone, ha ha ha he probably would be pretty mad but hey, it's worth the time I get with my sweet star.( starts daydreaming about him and star together)

SPEEDY : whoa! Today is a big day I'm going to be with star, I can't believe Aqua challenged me to see who can get star,like I mean she would pick me,cause I'm her type, the cool and badboy type, while Aqua here, fish boy so, they do not match, I know Aqua wont be my only challenge, but I am willing to fight for her till she's mine.

( So both boys are done packing and are ready to have breakfast)

Aqua : hey Speedy I have bad news yo mothe- ( gets cut of by Speedy)

Speedy: hey Aqua I was thinking that, we should play this challenge fair and square, like I mean we should be the bigger man , and not play tricks on each other, cause if we do that wouldn't it just mean that we have no faith that we will be able to win her heart. Well anyways that's what I was thinking so , I'm gonna play fair and square.

Aqua pov: Damn, he's right, I guess I gotta play fair, like she's gonna pick me so why not just play fair, Right?

Aqua : yeah sure thing Speedy.

Speedy: now we gonna go speck to Bee

( they walk to Bees office )

Aqua: ug hey bee?

Bee: yeah

Speedy: well we were wondering if we could go on a mission to help star save silky, and go on a vacation to Tokyo ?

Bees POV: ha! I knew they like Star, I mean what boy won't , by a fact I know lots of guys who like star, so I think I'm gonna let them go cause they don't go on many vacations.

Bee: yeah sure, go as long as you want

Speedy: really!

Aqua : well thanks a lot Bee!

Bee: you're welcome, well you better hurry up now you don't wanna be late !

Speedy: um Bee that's the think, we were wondering if we could borrow a ship from here

Bee: yeah sure, knock yourself out, pick anyone you like.
Aqua: wow! Thanks a lot Bee see yeah latter

Bee: yeah bye!

( the boys leave to go pick a ship )

Bees POV: I know what your thinking why on earth would I let them just pick any ship they want, well, it's because I know star for a pretty long time, and I know she never has a boyfriend, so I am determined for her to have a boyfriend .


Star POV: oh oh my my , I am felling the sad, I want am I joking, I am felling sad, like come one you figure that your only true friends on earth won't help you get back you other friend. Whoa ! when I'm mad I can talk English perfectly, anyways at lest I still have Speedy and Aqua.
( she gets out of bed and does her daily routine, brushed teeth, wash her face, take a bath, you know like any other normals person)
Star: there, now one for breakfast


Robin: I guess so now we have to be very carefull and quiet , we want her to think we're asleep

BB: yeah good idea

Cy: hey Robin, so when she leaves we run to the ship turn the invisible field on, and just follow her till she gets to Tokyo?

Robin: yupp

Ra: hate to say but, she said that if we don't go with her , then she'll ask her other friends which are the other titans right ?

Robin: yeah?

BB: so what does that have to do with anything ?

Cy: I think Raven trying to say that, since we did not go with her, who did she ask to go with her?

Robin: yeah good question.

BB: I think she might take, Bee with her .

Robin: yeah probably

Cy: sh!

Ra: guys her she comes, run to the ship quick!

( They all run to the ship without getting spotted by star)


Star POV : oh so I'm just waiting for Speedy and Aqua to come, they said to wait outside for them. So am wai- oh I can see them there about to land.


Ra: oh here there's Bees ship

Robin: yeah

Cy: now we just gotta wait tell they leave

BB: yeah( takes a big sip out of his drink)

Cy: BB, you better not make a mess in the T- ship.

BB: alright boss

Ra: hey look the door of the ship opens and her comes Be- WHAT! guys Cy,it's not Bee

BB:( looks out the window) gaps !

Ra: um Robin,

Robin: yeah. ( he did not. here them and did not look out the window yet so he's left in the dark still

BB: I don't

Cy: know how to say this but.

Robin: but what

Ra: well you see

BB: star not going with Bee

Robin: oh well no biggie, so which girl did she take with her? ( he's still just testing all the plane controls so he does not look out the so Dow yet)

Cy: she's going with,...........

Ra: Speedy

BB: and Aqua.

NOTE: Gaps! How do you think Robin would react?

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