Chapter 1: The letter

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Robins POV: Bestboy and cyborg is fighting over who gets to make breakfast, like I mean why can't they just make their own thing to eat.

Beastboy POV: Ug! why does Cybrog what to have something with meat on it like I've been most of those thing. Can't he just have tofu without putting any meat in it.

authors note : sorry but I'm not really sure what tofu is so I'm just guessing sorry if I'm wrong.

Cyborgs POV: Eww! Beastboy what to eat tofu, like meats rules I guess we have to do rock paper scissors. Hey bestboy you wanna play rock paper scissors winner makes breakfast.

Raven : oh my God just hurry up and make foo- just as raven was about to say food starfire runs in

Starfire : guys I found a letter it says to the teen titans. The letter: Teen Titans is you ever want to see your beloved Silky then you must listen to my orders first I want you to go back to Tokyo and their you will find Sliky if you do not come there In less the 3 days say goodbye to Silky. Starfire: guys we have to go save Silky
Robins POV: It why does Slade have to come and ruin the perfect moment, now Star will hate me when I tell her we can't go, it's just too dangerous and too risky. Star I'm sorry we can't go . ( when robin said that starfires face was even sadder then when she knew Slade has Silky, but when the sadness came it disappear a few minutes later, it was switched with anger) What we have to go did you hear what he will do to Silky if we don't.

Robin: Yes i did but we just can't we don't know what he has planing, and we don't even know who sent it, and just think Star where would we go if we went to Tokyo.

Star: (silent)

Robin: Star i know how much you love Silky but we just can't risk getting hurt.

Raven: Star i'm not trying to be mean but Robin's got i point.

Cybrog: Yeah Star, we can just get you an other one of those mutated worms from some where.

Beastboy: Cy you can' t just find a mutated one anywhere , even if you do it can never replace Silky.

Star: Yeah BB's right

BB: yeah but that doesn't mean we should go out there and risk ourselves

Star: if friends don't help me its ok I will find other friends, or go by myself

Robin: you are not going by yourself

Starfire: ( runs up stairs and packs)

Ct: what we going to do know

BB: we could secretly follow her

Raven: wow BB with a great plan

Cy: yeah then we will know what this person what's from us.

Robin: Teen Titans lets go pack were going back to Tokyo, ill go make sure star is gone before we leave.
Authors note: tell me which one do you think should be with star.

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