In Tokyo (part 1)

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Robin POV:

Oh god help me! Right now me and the gang are following closely behind Star but not too close. And those to weirdos have there hand all over her and telling her gross cheesey sweet stuff, it's not that I wouldn't do it but when those words come out of their mouth . I'm pukeing in my mouth.


CY POV : hey guys why don't we were these. I yell at the. Cause they were probably a long distend away all ready." That's a great idea!" Robing says while giving me a pat on the back." Know it will w en be harder for them to spot us" " yeah Cy got to give it to u bro, u got when smart brain" BB says to me while looking at the masks, to till you the truth why he said kinds creeped me out. Aittle like I mean Awkward!

BB POV : yeah we r so going to scare the living beans out off Slade hahahahah then we can celebrate by eating something healthy hahahahah I have such a good brain!

Ra POV : Ugh BB must be talking to himself again cause he's not even paying attention to anything, but it's kinda cute how he just wiggled his nose. Tehe tehe wait! What ! Did I just called him cute!? Like eww not in a million years, since I already know who BB likes. Weird enough he likes Star, you know how BB always act weird, well he's. causally a very good after cause he got me fooled for a while that he had no feelings for Star. ( eyes widened) Gaps light bulb! OMG if I can just help all the other guys who has feelings for Star to say it maybe BB will see that he has no chance at all with her and then notice me . Wait! When did I change into the weird type that has these weird ideas about how to get a guy to like me l ? Oh well you know what They say love can change a person. Soooo true.


Star pov: o hey look a box of chocolate! I open the box of chocolates and hey there's a piece  of paper in it. I was really curious so I opened it.


Dear star

I have little silky here, I see that you're in Tokyo, oh and where that Robin of yours? Why are you hanging with those weaklings? Anyhow meet me BY YOURSLEF  in the place where you hid, remember? i'll be waiting for you! come tomorrow in the afternoon. if I don't see you there tomorrow in the after noon' i'll be sending you a dead worm, or whatever that thing is.

From yours truly Slade <3


OMG what now I got to go tell Speedy and Aqua, I was running thorough a crowed of people, oh jezz where are they. I was looking though the crowed of people until I saw them. None of us are wearing are uniforms so its hard to tell who is who.

Speedy pov:

I was just looking thorough a flower store, for a flower for Star, but then I saw her looking at me looking at me happily and wonder what happen. I ran to her very slowly. well to me slowly but to others I ran fast." star whats wrong " I ask her feeling really worried.: Oh thank god I found you, help me look for Aqua then we'll have to find the little hotel  where me and the gang stayed  at.

She then explained everything to Speedy and told him to find Aqua while she look for that place. she doesn't remember it that well so she wasn't sure if its was a hotel or something else. They went there separate ways to look for what they were supposed to find.

Author Note:

sorry I was a bit short, and I'm really sorry for taking such along time to update, it was cause my internet was having problems and it took a while to fix. so tell me what you think about this chapter ! What do you think gonna happen when star gets to the hotel? Will she find it? What is Robin gonna do? Will robin even know I that she has to meet Slade? Please comment! Oh nad sorry for the mistake, when it comes to the spelling, thanks for reading my book! I also just put up another book called: Winning your heart" It another Teen titans fanfic, its about Speedy and Star, but who know maybe fate will change that! Please check it out if you have free time.

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