Rusame- could it be love? (Revised Chapter)

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Chapter one- a day in the life
America's point of view
(This chapter has been revised since being published.)
   My alarm goes off and I groan as I hit it, realizing I've already hit the snooze button twice so now I really have to get up. Every movement hurts, but I know that there is work to do. As I shift up, my head gets dizzy, but I brush it off.
Nothing I can't handle anyway. I walk into the kitchen of my apartment and start making breakfast. I choose cereal because it's the easiest to grab, and quite honestly I'm lazy. I haven't even gotten a spoon, though, when I get a knock on the door. "America! I've revised a new bill I'd like you to see!" I opened the door to find one of my humans looking very excited. "Ok, give it here, I'll have a look at it when I get to work". You could have just given it to me later, but whatever. The human smiled. "Thanks!" she said as she walked away. "No problem.." I replied as I went back to eating my breakfast. I'm still pretty tired, huh.
      I scrolled through my calendar of whatever I had to do today as I ate. I have my people make my schedule as I don't really care much what I'm doing, though I'd rather be in bed. An alarm goes off on my phone and I read it. UN meeting: 9:00 am. Ughhhhh, really? I look at the clock, and I see it's already 8:00. Welp, I guess I should get going now if I want to be on time. I quickly change into a shirt, plain black sweatshirt, and jeans. I put them on and fast walk out of the door, greeting my senators and humans as they pass by.
   Not every country allows their humans to be so.... equal, I guess is the word, but I do. It's fun, and I like feeling..normal, for once. Some countries choose to use their people like slaves, to do their work for them. And there are some countries that have a middle ground of those two opposites. Personally, I think freedom is one of the best qualities a country can have. It's just the right thing to do. If my people disagree with my decisions, they should be able to say it.
I get into the car and stare out the window for a bit while someone drives me to the location. The UN meeting is in my capital today, which is another reason I risked sleeping in. I'll get there soon enough, it's my own country. As I'm being driven, I hear this..annoying ringing in my pocket. I have an inkling as to who it is, and I really do not want to pick up. I let it go to voicemail and sigh a breath of relief. It rings again. Why won't you let me be in peaceeee. I pick up the phone. "Fine what do you want." I get an immediate response. " Daddddddd he's doing it againnn" - yep, that's who I thought it was. "Texas, just because your brother is annoying you does not mean you can call me to fix it. I'm busy" I said, rubbing my fingers against the bridge of my nose. "But dad, this time he-" "I don't care, ask Nevada to mediate for you." I heard a huff on the other side of the phone. "Fine fine, but I want you to pass my representatives bill in congress!" Aha, so this was a ploy to get me to do your bidding. No can do kiddo. "I'll think about it, now go make up like an adult please." I hang up just in time for me to hop out of the car and make my way into the building for the meeting.
   I walk into the meeting room with confidence, greeting my allies. I shake hands with Britain, who of course is annoyed I'm not the first there, and Germany, who is always so formal with me. I sit next to my brother, Canada, because he is the only person I truly trust at this table. While I wait for the meeting to actually start, I talk to Canada about our trade agreements, since we have been wanting to change them for a while.

10 minutes later

"Alright everyone, lets get started!" Britain says (yells). I struggle to pay attention as he goes over things we need to improve and problems we need to fix. Bla bla bla, boring shit. The meeting lasts for hours, and I feel like I can't go on. It goes from Britain, to me, to Canada, then Germany, the Russia. He starts talking but I'm not listening much because I'm not interested in what that guy ever has to say. Russia interesting country. I'm glad he's changed since being under the authority of the USSR, but I can't trust the guy. Something tells me he still has communism on his brain, and it's not like his new system of government is much better. Democracy my ass, that's a straight dictatorship right there. I accidentally huffed out loud thinking about this, and Russia notices, giving me a glare as he continues his talk about whatever. Oops. Man, it's hard to not argue with that guy. He and I have very different opinions on how things should get done.
       The meeting finally comes to an end, and soon all that is left is me, my papers that I am scrambling to put in my bag, and Russia. He and I leave at the same time, and I trip on the tiny step at the door. Idiot, I think. 1) how did you trip on such a small step? And two, Russia is now going to laugh at how stupid you are. I brace for impact and some verbal assault, but suddenly I feel a sudden stop of my body. I get pulled back up to standing from the back of my shirt. Did Russia really just stop me from falling flat on my face? That's uncharacteristically nice of him. I wonder if he's plotting something? No, don't think so. But then why?...

"Hey.... are you ok?" I jump at his words. "Uh, yeah, I-I'm fine. Just tripped like an idiot, hehe...yeah." He stoically looks at me with his icy cold eyes and pauses for a moment. "Well, don't let it happen again." and he walks off. I stay where I am for a moment, confused about this interaction. Well, that was a weird experience. Almost like he....cared about my well being? No, that can't be it. There's no way that was genuine. I'm guessing that after our last fight the other nations told him to play nice or else. Yeah, that's gotta be it. And with that, I walked off, certain of my future.

But boy, how much the future changed for him.......

Authors note: thanks for reading the first part of my fanfic! I hope you enjoyed, as this is the first fanfic I've
ever written.
Word count- 1194

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