Chapter 9

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" So what now?" Drake mumbles.

" I guess we should build a shelter." Ashley announces. We all nod and get up onto our feet.

" Ummm, let's do it this way." I inform, "Chase and I will start to look for supplies to make the house out of, while Ashley and Drake, you guys will go and try to find a spot. Once you have,come tell us. After you find a spot, you guys can start to get supplies too."

Everyone nods and we split up into our pairs. Chase and I walk into the jungle, the dead leaves and grass crunch under my feet. With every step, my socks and Doc. Martins squish small puddles of water between them.

"Here, I'll pull those big leaves down, while you get those vines off that bush." Chase points to a big bush, same kind as the one on the beach, but these vines look stronger and thicker.

I walk over to the bush and yank on the vines a hard as I can. As I do, a slithering sound comes from inside it. I back away from the bush, my vines with me, at that moment, a black with red under-side snake launch at me. I scream and jump out of the way, bumping into Chase. He grabs my shoulder and pulls me behind him. He then grabs brand of the tree and snaps it off, making a very sharp point. The snake slithers around, It was very large, all black except for the belly part.

Ashley and I study the animals, so at that moment, I knew it was a Red Bellied Black snake, all though its bit can't kill you, it will cause much pain and morbidity. it was about 2 meters long.

Chase then moves out of the snakes way and uses the stick to stab it right in the head! I put my hands over my mouth and then stand there for a moment. I'm happy that its dead and is it wrong of me to not feel bad?

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