Chapter 8

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We paddle for so long, my arms feel like they are on fire! As I look at the near island, is see its quite small. It's close enough that I can make out what it looks like.

Like any other island, it has a sandy beach around the edge. But, this sand seems like its purr white, as white has purl and seashell. In middle of the island is a big bundle of trees, like a forest. They are tall palm trees, with leaves as big as me. The forest seem like it takes up most of the island, its is really deep and thick with trees.

" That's a nice looking island!" Drake admires.

" Ya! I like the really, really white sand!" Ashley adds.

" Well, at our speed and at the position of the sun, we can be there in an hour or two." Drake announces.

" That's fine with me. As long as we get there." I sigh in relief.

"Well, lets get paddling!" Chase smiles, and we continue to row.

I sit at the edge and paddle as fast and as hard as I can. Focused on the water and my rowing for the past half an hour or so, I didn't realize how close we got.

"Oh, wow!" I laugh in surprise.

"Oh, what?" Chase smirks.

"I didn't notice how close we were, I was just really into my paddling!" I say in disbelief.

" Ya. I can't wait till' I feel real land under my feet!" Ashley squeals.

We all laugh and then we continue to row as fast as we can, even though I can tell all of our arms are hurting like hell.

About half an hour later I feel the boat bump into something, a fear that the sharks are back until I see Chase smiling.

"What?" I ask, not seeing what's in front of me but,just looking behind me.

" We just hit land." he smirks his smirk, I bit my lip and smile.

"We hit land!" Ashley yells.I laugh as I see the white, sandy beach only a few feet away.

"Quick, pull the boat onto shore." Drake informs. I put my paddle down, as does Ashley. We both hope into the warm, ocean water and pull the boat in the right detection while Chase and Drake push.

" We'll hold it in place while you two go look for something to tie it to that big rock in front of you." Chase motions over to the large rock just a couple feet away. I nod and Ashley and I go to shore to look for some king of thing that while help.

I walk over to a palm tree and notice that there are vines that have grown over time onto the trees from the near by bushes. I grab a vine and yank on it. Ashley comes over and helps me pull, the vine comes loose and we run over to the boys with about 6 feet of vine with us.

I give an end to Chase and he ties it to a piped up piece of metal, where he was ripping out boat apart. I take the other end and tie it into a hoop. I then take the hoop and slid it onto the top of the rock.I pull on it to make sure it's secure, it's fine.

Chase and Drake come ashore and we all sit down in the sand. We then laugh and smile at the relief of finding land, but then sit in a quite circle, terrified of being stuck on a island with no shelter or food.

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