Chapter 5

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I watch as Drake does CPR. Not wanting to see Ashley not come to life, I turn around and look into Chases chest. He doesn't mind, even though we only met today. As I look into Chase's black T-shirt,and yellow Lifejacket, I hear a gasp, then a cough and a gurgle of water. I turn around fast and see Ashley coughing up what seems like gallons of water.

" Oh my god! Ash!" I run over to her and give her a big hug.

"Ashley! I thought you were dead! Don't scare my like that!" I feel her give into my hug.

"Sorry." she coughs up and I smile. I look over at Drake and see him in shock breathing heavily.

I whisper to him, "Thank you."

Ashley come out of the hug and looks at Drake. She gets up and walks over to him. she then stares at him for a few seconds. She smiles and gives him a big hug.

"You saved my life! Thank you, thank you so much!"

" I'm just glad your alive." He hugs her tight and smiles. Ashley gets out of his hug and looks at Chase. She slowly walks over to him and hugs him.

"You take care of my friend Zoey." Chase looks over at me and he smirks, I blush and smile back at him. Ashley ends the hug and breaks the silence.

"Now what?" she asks, we all look around at each other and not one person speaks up. We are now just adrift at sea, not knowing what to do, or what will happen.

Chase speaks up, "Well,while were drifting along, hopefully no storms come. Also seeing the direction of the waves, and the direction of the wind, we will most likely be heading west, it the detection of Australia."

I smile at him," You study weather and direction, don't you?"

He nods and then Drake continues, " I say it's about 5:40-5:45 p.m. according to the sun, it's going to get dark in about 15-20 minutes since we went passed the time change."

I slip off my lifejacket and then take off my heavy wet jacket and ring it out, I forgot to do it earlier since I was too worried about Ash. Water rushes out of my jacket, it's a lot lighter now. I lay it down flat, so it will dry faster. I take my hair out of its ponytail and ring it out too. I keep it down, my black mascara is smeared, I whip it off.

Theres no reason to look nice,Drake's all red and has dark rings under his eyes, Chase's hair is all soggy and messed up, and Ashley's mascara is smeared pink all over her cheeks. I sit down on the side of the wing and let my legs dangle over. I'm deep in thought, thinking of if we'll live, or die, if we will find help, or if we will even see land. I'm scared, I want to cry but I hold back the tears.

"You ok?" I hear Chases voice behind me.

I take a deep breath, "Uh, ya, ya I'm fine..."

I give into, since I know he knows I'm NOT fine." If you call being stranded out in the middle of the ocean fine."

I lay down, still having my feet hang over. I look at all the stars in the sky, since there is no city I can see them perfectly,I ask him "Are we going to die out here?"

He shakes his head, " I hope not."

I sigh and concentrate on the stars,

"Me too." I whisper.

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