Chapter 7

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I look into the dark water, I don't see anything. I take a deep breath in relief.

" I think they're gone." I smile.

" Good!" Ashely smiles, "Now let's start to paddle again."

I start to paddle, until our boat is jerked again. I groan, great.

Our boat is bumped again, this time I almost lose my balance, even though I'm sitting down.

" Uh... get away from the edge!" Drake yells to all of us.

I back away until my hand hits a puddle of water and I slip! At the same time the wing is bumped and I fall off.

I scream.

" Zoey!" Ashley screams and that's the last thing I hear until I go under water. I panic as I see gray figures swimming around me. I scream and see all my bubbles go up in front of my face.

I swish my hands and legs around trying to swim up to the surface, I then see a figure some right towards me! I swim to my left a little and it glides right past me.

Just then, something grabs the back of my shirt. I fight it until it pulls me out of the water. I find out its Chase. I get out of the water, unharmed and hugged him.

" Thanks, -for ...pulling ...-out." I breath in between words. This has been a death full ride, for all of us.

I crawl to the middle of the wing and lay there for a second. Catching my breath, calmming down. After a few minutes, the sharks leave and we can all breath a little easier now.

"You okay Zoey?" Ashley rubs the back of my shoulder in comfort.

" Ya, just a little shocked... and wet." I smile at her.

"Well, now that's over. Are we all good to keep rowing forward?" Drake asks nicely.

We all look at each other and nod in agreement. Time to try this journey again.

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