30. behind us

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I've learned that the truth is hard, but proves to be the easiest path in the end. I've been reminded of this since I was a pup. Responsibility is something you build, own, project. I would always take responsibility for myself. Vows would be made to give that same promise to the pack. 

Looking at the skin of my father's neck, the skin I destroyed... I wanted to take no responsibility for the gruesome raised lines that marred the once pristine flesh. Thinking back on the charred remains of the packlands I destroyed, the burnt remnants of the Lab, the bodies of wolves spread across the barren ground, Akesis strapped to a table and...

I wanted to take no responsibility. I wanted to be clean, pure, free of this dark evil. I felt the full weight of it all, pressing down on my shoulders and back. Legs trembled with the pressure it placed on my chest, the way it was tough to breathe.

I would take the responsibility. No matter how heavy, disagreeable, or dark. It was mine to bear.

My father and I stood together, both of us dropping our hands to our sides. "I'm sorry, father." My hands twitched to embrace him. "I am so sorry," the broken whisper croaked from my mouth, the tears gathered but did not fall. Akesis stood back a few steps, stoic and shivering in her fur.

"It's over now, son. I have already forgiven you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love." His eyes darkened slightly until they fell on Akesis. "Akesis, you're a sight for sore eyes."

Just like that, the mood lifted a little and the weight became lighter. My father approached Akesis with palms out, she eyed him wearily and whistled through her nose. He shot me a look of sorrow, to see this light has dimmed. Akesis didn't look at me for support, she stood still and stared into Jack's eyes as he lowered himself to a crouch, one hand planted in the soil, the other still extended to her. Slowly, she crept forward, her whine continuing as she nuzzled up to my father. Her tail wagged, she was licking the underside of his chin, pressing into him with ears flagged and whine persisting. It was a low, terrified noise. But it was also beautifully excited, as she was, to face sanctity and love on all fronts once more.

With my father's focus on my mate, murmuring to her low enough I couldn't hear, I turned to the remainder of the gathering who viewed me with varying aspects of caution and comfort. Kennet approached me first, cheek to cheek.

"It's good to have you back, brother."

"It's good to be back," I responded a little roughly.

"You look bigger, ready to train with me again? Maybe you can actually take me on now?" Kennet's affable grin was as large as I remembered.

I growled with good nature and shoved him back gently, giving him a toothy smile. "As if I ever needed to train to take you on," I teased.

"But really, Ade." Hera stepped forward. "The pack's approval of you right now is ultimately low. But their interest is still peaked elsewhere..." Her eyes fell behind me, onto my mate who was still being held by my father.

I growled out in annoyance, looking towards the North where the pack resided. "If anyone tries anything-"

"We have your back," Kennet placed a hand on my shoulder and I released a hold on the newly gathered tension. Knowing some parts of my life remained sturdy and the same was a comfort I couldn't describe. It was then that my eyes really fell on my mother.

She looked small and beautiful as always, but her face showed the markings of exhaustion. It was like she hadn't slept in forever. She gave me a small smile, but her eyes were completely guarded. She had once looked at me with the openness of a true mother, and cared for me as such.

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