Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I wish I owned Naruto! But sadly I don't. And I hope You Naruto fans will Love Naruto Forever!

Summary: Naruto, Konoha's number one brat causes trouble everyday, when he does a prank only to lead to more mischief. But what if those mischief was all part of this mask. Can the village accept the shock of this new Naruto?

Author: this is my very first fanfic and I don't really expect to have anyone read it, I'm just doing this to pass time (Maybe, I hope). My writing might not be as good as everyone but I hope I can get reviews. After each chappie I might get better at writing. So arigatou mina~

Note: this is before Sasuke leaves the village.


The sun shone brightly against a small whiskered kid as he was being chased by people. The sounds of a certain name always excites kid to see what's happening.

"NARUTO!!!" screamed a bunch of half-naked women. "Gomen~" He grinned wide enough for them to see.

He was used to this kind of life, yet no one really knew him that much. And he stuck out like a sore thumb. His blonde spiky hair and not to mention his deep blue eyes that was always lively. But what made him stick out was his clothes, a neon orange jumpsuit, what kind of ninja would wear that?

If Naruto Uzumaki were to walk on the streets, quiet whispers envelope him.

"Demon fox"



"Arrogant Bastard"

And they even go far enough to call him scum, monster or piece of shit. As if kami knew how to torture him, he was born with three whiskers embedded on both cheeks. Knowing this the villagers knew who he was. Yes, Naruto Uzumaki holds the Kyuubi No Youka, it was sealed into him since he was a new born child. This made Naruto think about why his life turned out this way.

"Hey Kit"

'What is it now Kyuu-chan, I'm pretty busy right now' Thought Naruto.

"Take a turn to the right" Sure enough he obeyed the fox.

'As if that would help, Kyuu-chan'

"Heh. Are you still keeping up this façade? Even if it hurts you?"

Naruto went silent. "Come on, I can't hold my anger if this is what people want. Once I get a hold of them I will give them a beating"

'Kyuu I think I wouldn't want that, I mean you don't want that night to repeat again'


'Why do these people hate me?' 'I didn't do anything wrong' were the thoughts of a certain blonde.

Black shadows surround the kid, each having their own intentions. The only sounds coming from the alley were sounds of laughter and thudding sounds. After about an hour the sounds stop and the figures exit the alley leaving Naruto all bruised and cut up.

This time the villagers went too far. The wounds that were on the child were life threatening.

'Oh kami. Am I dead yet?' he felt water surround him

Naruto sat up. "Where am I?" he took a look at his surroundings and realised it was a sewer. "I can't believe they were cruel enough to through into a sewer!"

Naruto takes off his invisible mask!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora