Thirty Eight

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Lance watched as Rosalina tried to stuff her face with more food. He chuckled at her and she looked at him. Food began to fall on her chin while she giggled.

"Silly girl." He said and wiped the food off her chin. Lance ruffled her hair and she laughed.

"Ah!" She through her hands up and grabbed Lance's finger.  She began to play around with it bending it and drawing with it on the table. Lance just let her be.

"Hello paladins." Allura said and took a seat next to Lance and Rosalina.

"Hey 'Lura." Lance said and Hunk just waved.

"What is she eating?" Allura asked." It smells wonderful."

"Yeah that thanks to Hunk." Lance said.

"Mhm it's one of my favorite Altean recipes! It was made for main courses and adults but I switched it up a bit and now its made for babies and children." Hunk smiled and Allura smiled warmly back.

"I'm just glad my paladins are happy." Allura looked at Lance and saw the sad expression on his face." Lonce? Is something wrong?" 

"I just-" He sighed." I just can't help but feel like the worst person ever."

"What do you mean?" Hunk asked.

"I let Lotor take Keith and just left to find him forgetting about Rosy." Lance rubbed his thumb over Rosalina's chin.

"Oh Lonce, your not the worst human ever." Allura gave him a big hug." Your a brave paladin fighting for what you care about." She said." You shouldn't feel like that, Keith made a choice to protect what he loved too." Lance just looked at her.

"Thanks 'Lura." He smiled.

"Your welcome." She smiled back.

"AH!" Rosalina then screamed and started to bounce in her chair.

"Whoa! Hey calm down!" Lance said and tried to get her to sit back down.

"MMMMMMMMMOMMMMMMMMMMA!!!" She screeched and Lance stopped. He slowly turned around to see Keith limping with his arm over Shiro's shoulder.

"H-hey." He waved slowly before being lifted in the air and spun around.

"Oh my god your okay!" Lance cried and hugged Keith hard.


"Right! Right, sorry." Lance backed up and held his shoulders." You look better." He smiled.

"Yeah." Keith smiled. 

"MMMMMMMMMMOMMMMMMMMMMMA!!!" Rosalina was in tears while screaming her head off and trying to get out of her seat. Keith smiled and walked or a least tried his best to walk over to the chair she seat in."mmmmmmmmmommmmmmmma."

"Hey baby." Keith picked her up and sat in the middle of the room on the floor. He never really like to hold Rosalina while sitting in a chair. He placed her in his lap and she started to move.

"Mmmmmmmmmommmmmmma." She kept saying as she tried to stand to hug Keith.

"Oh." Keith picked her up and laid her head on his shoulder. She then snuggled into his neck. He could feel the small tear drops on the side on his neck. 

"Mmmmmmmommmm-Ughhhhhhhh." Keith froze in place and snorts and giggles could be heard from the other paladins and Allura.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." Keith exclaimed pulled Rosalina away from his shoulder.  Sure enough there was spit up on her chin and she was laughing.

"She just-hahahaha!" Lance laughed his head off and Keith just glared at him.

"Can you help me?!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming." Lance walked over with a wash clothe and started to help Keith clean it up.

"Why couldn't you do that to him?" Keith pouted at Rosalina and she just giggled. Once they were all cleaned up, Keith sat at the table to eat a decent meal cooked by Hunk." This is really good Hunk!" 

"T-thanks, I guess. It's just a sandwich though?"

"Yeah but he hasn't eaten a real meal in like a week." Pidge said and Lance glared at her." Sorry." 

"Keith? How come your out so early? Surely the pod would have kept you in longer." Allura asked.

"I dunno. When I came out Shiro was by my pod." Keith looked at Shiro then Allura and Shiro looked to him.

"Maybe it's a malfunction?" Hunk said.

"I don't think so." Pidge said and stood up." Allura, Shiro and I will go check it out." They all walked out of the kitchen to go figure out the 'malfunction'. Keith soon finished his food and so did Rosalina. Lance was craving Keith and wanted to just hug him for hours on end.

"Hey, you wanna watch a movie?" Lance asked Keith.

"Yeah sure." Keith smiled at him and picked up Rosalina." Come on baby were gonna watch a movie." Rosalina didn't respond and just messed around with Keith's hair. They both chuckled and headed towards the living room area.


"What did you say?!" 

"I didn't say anything!" 

"Then how come he came out so early?!" Shiro stood quietly. 

"I don't know."

"Shiro please tell us." Allura spoke.

"Oh come on Allura! You should have known he would have done this! I told you not to mess anything up!" Pidge kept yelling. Shiro felt like a bomb ready to explode.

"Look, I know you think that I did something but I didn't okay! His pod just opened when I was here!" Shiro said and Pidge balled her fists. 

"You are going to tell the truth one way or another." She snarled at him." If you really love Keith as much as you say you do, you'll talk to him in front of everyone." And with that Pidge left the room. Allura stood quietly with hands together in front of her.

"You know she's right?" Allura said to Shiro." If you love him you'll tell the truth." And she then left to leaving Shiro to explode with his own thoughts.


Hello people. I am very sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I just finished my exams and am back on full swing. Updates still might be slow sorry!

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