Thirty One

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Keith was cold and freezing that night until a guard brought him his clothes. Keith quickly put them on searching for warmth. See what Lotor didn't know, was that Keith had found out where the escape pods were. Keith was planning on escaping when the guards would take him to Lotor's room. He now just had to wait for the right moment. Which he had no idea when that would be. So until then he could only shiver in a cell wishing that Lance was there to keep him warm.



"Rosalina tell me what you want!" Lance cried after her.

"MMMMMMMM!" Rosalina kicked and screamed.

"I know baby I know you want momma!" Lance said." He'll be home soon i promise."

"MMmmmmmommmmmmmma!!!!" Lance slid of the couch crying in his knees. Then the rest of the paladins burst into the room.

"IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT!" Shiro yelled and saw Lance sitting on the ground and Rosalina screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Oh." Allura placed her hands over his heart." Poor Lance." She whispered. Hunk walked over to Lance and sat down next to him.

"Hey buddy." Lance gasped and quickly wiped his tears but they just kept coming. Lance looked up and saw Hunk lightly smiling at him.

"H-hunk." Lance burst in to more tears and hugged Hunk. Hunk hugged back and rubbed Lance's back. Allura scooped up Rosalina and nuzzled her nose with Rosalina's. Rosy stopped screaming but was still crying.

"Mmmmmmmommmmmma?" Rosalina said while sniffing.

"Mommy is going to be with you in just a couple ticks honey." Allura whispered. Rosalina seemed to understand what Allura said because she wiggled her head around.

"I-i j-just wa-ant to hold h-him!" Lance sobbed.

"I know you do buddy." Hunk said." How about some cookies?"

"Cookies were his favorite!" Lance cried and Hunk regretted saying that. Hunk looked at the others and they shrugged.

"Oh!" Pidge exclaimed." What about going to the red lion?"

"H-how does that help?" Lance asked.

"You can watch memories of you and Keith!" Pidge said. Lance knew it would make him more sad but he wanted to see Keith. In any way, shape, or form.

"S-so you just go into the lion and what?"

"Just talk about Keith or something I guess." Pidge shrugged." You could take Rosalina with you?" Rosalina perked up hearing her name. Lance looked into her stormy eyes. 

"Y-yeah maybe." Lance said wiping his face. 


Everyone had calmed down for the most part but Lance was still on edge. Pidge was trying her hardest to find a way to sneak into the base with out being captured.

"So what do you think Lotor is doing to Keith?" Hunk asked.

"I don't want to know." Pidge made a face." Lotor is a horny bitch who knows what he's doing." Hunk shuttered. 

"Your right." Hunk made a face too. 


As Pidge and Hunk were thinking that, Keith was again being dragged through the halls on his way to Lotor 'fun' room. Keith had saved up his strength and remembered where the pods were. Keith kept looking around and shaking his head. Then they turned a corner and there they were. The pods. They were already open and ready to go. Keith waited for the guard to drop his guard (hehe) and bolt. 

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