Thirty Two

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Keith was pacing around. He was biting his nails thinking if this plan was going to work.

"Would you stop?" She asked.

"You how hard this is for me? I don't even know your name and your helping me."

"My name is Ariwhite. There now you know, can you stop pacing now?"

"Fine. I'll stop." Keith sat down." So can you tell me what your doing?"

"I'm only coding where your hologram should run too." She said.

"Oh." Keith didn't know what she was talking about and he didn't really care. It had all ready been about 5 minutes that Keith had been in this room. Honestly it wasn't like the rest of the base. It had light and it wasn't even that cold. The wasn't just purple lights, there were more color. Keith actually liked this room.

"What are you staring at?" Ariwhite asked as she stood up. 

"Oh, nothing! Sorry." Keith said.

"Well I just finished the hologram so we can start the plan." She said and Keith nodded. He grabbed the bag full of supples and waited by the door. Ariwhite placed a device on the floor in front of the door and clicked a button. Soon a version of Keith popped up and began to run into the door. Keith went to swipe his hand through it but Ariwhite stopped whim." It's not your normal hologram. You can only swipe your hand through it once it's timer goes off." 


"HEY!" She yelled and Keith flinched." HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Ariwhite yelled as she opened the door and the hologram ran out. She ran out of the room and watched the hologram run off." Guards get him!" The guards looked up and saw 'Keith' they ran after him into the darkness. Ariwhite popped her head back into the room and grabbed Keith's arm." Let's go." She whispered. They both snuck to the pods and hopped into one." You know how to work these?"


"Then go!" Ariwhite said and shut the doors. Once the doors shut Keith blasted the thrusters. Ariwhite crashed back against the wall.

"You good?!" 

"Yes! Just keep going!" She yelled back. Keith watched the stars speed past him. He missed that. Ariwhite was now in the seat now to him setting in Voltron's location. Keith looked out the back window and didn't even see the base. He looked back out the front window and sighed." What?"

"I'm gonna see them."

"Your teammates?" Ariwhite asked.

"Well yeah, but some more important to me."


"Yes and someone else."


"Lance." Keith said while blushing.

"Your blue paladin? Why is he so important?"

"He just is." Keith didn't want to tell her at the moment. He was just happy Lotor couldn't get him now." WAIT! What about the tracker!" Keith began to panic and his breathing sped up.

"Relax." Ariwhite pressed a button on the consul.

"Auto Blast On." Ariwhite turned to Keith.

"You need to take off you shirt."

"WHAT!" Keith almost screamed.

"Relax. Do want the tracker off or not?" Of course he wanted the tracker out. He just didn't want to take his shirt off in front of some girl! I mean he shouldn't care right? He's gay ,but Keith only wanted Lance to see him shirtless.

"Y-yeah but-"

"I understand your in a relationship with someone." She said and Keith froze." But this tracker will give Lotor your exact location. And I don't want to tamper with your relationship. I just want to make sure everyone is safe."

"O-okay." Ariwhite got up and grabbed a black box. She sat back down and opened it. Keith peeked inside and saw a bunch of surgery stuff." What's that for?!" She just stared at him with a blank face.

"The tracker is inside your chest." She deadpanned.

"OH! Right, sorry." Keith sighed and sat back." So are you gonna put me to sleep or something?"

"Only if you want me to." Ariwhite said." Do you want me to put you to sleep."

"Will I feel it if I'm awake?"

"Of course and it will hurt like a yalmor biting you." Keith didn't want to imagine what that felt like.

"Yeah okay put me to sleep." Keith said while nodding.

"Come to the back." Ariwhite pulled out a small bed like thing almost like a blowup mattress." Take your shirt off, drink this, then lay down here." Keith nodded. Keith pulled off his dark grey t-shirt and took the drink from Ariwhite's hand." Wow, your body structure is amazing." Ariwhite said and gripped Keith's broad shoulders.

"Y-yeah I guess." Keith said.

"You must train a lot!" She said looking at his abs.

"Y-yeah." Keith as very uncomfortable in the moment. He hated people staring at his body even Lance. Like that one time Lance was staring at Keith's as- You know what that's a different story!

"And for an omega too! That's very amazing." She smiled at him.

"Yeah." Keith said while laying down." I guess." Keith felt his body go heavy.

"Okay, you should feel you body go heavy in just a tik."

"I already feel it." Keith said his eyes barely open.

"Just let it take you over." She said softly." It's easier that way." She said while taking out her tools." Like the ice waters of Yadore. Let the waves crash onto you with out a care in the world." Keith felt his whole body go limp as he closed his eyes and sighed. Ariwhite took a deep breathe and began the process of getting the tracker out.


"Okay!" Pidge yelled." I have a plan!" Everyone ran over to her.

"Do tell." Allura said.

"Okay so the base it's self is very weak. For one it's a base only used for-"

"For what?" Lance asked.

"For omega interrogation."

"Do they just. . . torture?" Hunk asked.

"Yes but-"

"But?!" Lance said.

"Lotor said something about going into rut in a couple of days a-and i think-" Pidge stopped when she heard a light growl." I think that Lotor is going to use Keith!" Pidge finale said.

"BULLSHIT!" Lance yelled.


"Give me a location! Now!" Lance yelled. 

"OK!" Pidge pressed a button and Lance's wrist band beeped. They had all been wearing there armor. When Lance looked down a map appeared. Lance then ran out of the room with everyone shouting at him. 


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