Thirty Four

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"LANCE!" Lance just kept running. Once he got to his lion nothing could stop him. 

"Lance bring your lion back here!" Allura yelled over the comms but the blue lion was now out of the eyes view. Lance then turned off his comms.

"Lance get your ass back here!" Pidge yelled into her mic." God damnit! He turned off his mic!"

"Allura can you wormhole us to him!?" Shiro asked.

"No, I can not. I don't know his exact location. He could be going somewhere else for all we know."

"This isn't good!" Hunk yelled. 

"AHHHH! MMMmmmmomMMMMA!" Rosalina cried." Ddddddddadddddddda!" Allura ran over to the child who was crawling towards her.

"Hey baby girl." Allura picked Rosy up."Shhhhh." Allura swayed her." I'm so sorry."


"So could we send them a message? Just so they know I'm not in that base any more?"

"We could try. But I don't think they'll hear it in time." Ariwhite said.

"Where are we headed any way?" Keith asked.

"To a planet called Gathiater. It's a healthy and strong planet. The Galra haven't found this planet yet do to it's low levels of quintessence, but even though it's levels this planet is very lush and green." She smiled." The people that live there are farmers and miners. I met siblings, twins, that gave me some medicine and more knowledge about space and life." 

"What do they look like?" Keith asked.

"Some of the people there are a light green or a darker brown color." She said pulling up a picture." People with green skin have brown hair like the soil on the ground. People with the dark skin have green hair like grass. Their people are connected to the life around them so if they go to an ice planet, like where I'm from, their skin and hair will change to their environment."

"That's cool. Their kind of like gecko's." Keith said.


"Yeah, there a type of animal on the planet I come from. They blend into the environment to protect form other animals that want to eat them." 

"Very interesting." Ariwhite said." Oh and a type of plant will grow from their type of hair or skin color." She said pointing to the picture. They looked like Rosas. Keith chuchled.

"They're like Rosas." Ariwhite nodded.

"They call them Woodbine." She said." Their planet has many small and large animals. They are very nice and sweet. The people there have also learned that these animals love to snuggle with loved ones." She said pulling up a picture.

"They kind of look like panda's!" Keith said excitedly." It's an animal on Earth."

"Oh okay." Ariwhite said. She looked out the window and saw a lush green planet." Ah! Look!" She pointed and Keith looked out. 

"Oh wow." Keith said looking at the planet. It was beautiful. Around the planet of a ring of many colors almost making a rainbow. The planet had many small oceans. Unlike Earth there was no ice at all. Keith looked around the planet and saw two suns and three moons, or at least they looked like moons.

"Could you pilot us through the atmosphere?" Ariwhite asked and Keith nodded.

"Not a good pilot?" Keith asked.

"Not when it comes to landing or taking off." Ariwhite chuckled. Keith made it through the atmosphere safely and landed near a small city. Ariwhite sighed." We made it." She smiled.

"Yeah. So now what?"

"Now we find Talia and Kalia." Ariwhite stood up and headed to the exit hatch." Come on!" Keith hopped up and climbed up the ladder after Ariwhite. They both stood atop the pod and breathed in the fresh air. Keith looked around amazed at the sight. The trees had many size differences and birds flew through the air. Fruits that were dangling from the trees, sparkled and glowed. The people looked to the pod and some children raced over to met them.

"Oss! Mayden tort frufall!" A child ran up to the pod waving at an elder. Ariwhite chuckled and slide down the pod.

"Hello young child." Ariwhite smiled at her.

"Oss! Ortal gilmor pidle?" She asked taking a step back.

"Yes we are." Ariwhite said.

"What is she saying?" Keith asked.

"She asked if we were nice." Ariwhite said." Alen gilmor gutan prayya Kalia adn Talia?"


"Just let me talk." Ariwhite said. The little girl nodded and grabbed Ariwhite's hand." Come one." Keith began to follow them down the green field and into the city. There wasn't any tall buildings like the city's you would see on Earth. No no no my friends, these were tree houses and houses that were dangling from the tree tops like the fruit. Keith looked around while turning in circles to get a good view. 

"Kalia! Talia!" The little girl shouted." Sebo!" Two people turned around with fruits in their hands. 

"ARIWHITE!" They both screamed and ran over to them." Your back!"

"So you speak english but you don't?" Keith asked.

"The children only speak the language they were born to until they are able to learn a new." Ariwhite said. Talia and Kalia both hugged Ariwhite and laughed.

"It is so good to see you again!" The boy said.

"Yes it is! Are you here for more medicine?" The girl asked.

"No." Ariwhite said." We are just waiting here till Voltron can come."

"Voltron?!" They both said." The legend has not come here for many thousands of years?! And who is this?"

"This is Keith. He is the Red Paladin of Voltron." Ariwhite said and Keith waved.

"THE RED PALADIN!" They both screamed and ran to hug Keith." OH MY GOODNESS!" 


"Please friends." Ariwhite said as they sat him back down on his feet.

"Sorry! It's just the red paladin has done so much for us!" The girl said." May I ask, what happened to your altean marks?"

"Do Alteans change after time?" The boy said.

"Well um you see-" Keith started.

"Talia, Kalia. Altean is no more." They both lightly gasped.

"Is princess-"

"She is fine." Keith said." I think."

"You think?" Talia asked.

"Keith was um taken by the prince." Ariwhite said. 

"Eww." They both said." He didn't-"

"Please don't ask." Keith said.

"Hello." They all turned around to see a tall woman." Welcome back to Gathiater Ariwhite."

"It's an horror." Ariwhite bowed.

"And I see you have brought a guest." She said.

"Yes this is the Red Paladin." Ariwhite said." We have just come back from Lotor's base." Keith shivered when she said his name. 

"Well then, you must be waiting for someone."

"Yes." Keith said.

"Then you'll be staying for sometime." She said and Ariwhite nodded." Talia, Kalia, please show our guest to the larger guest room."

"Yes maam." They bowed." Follow us." 

"We can go walk around later." Ariwhite told Keith.

"Yeah okay." And they followed the twins up to a tree house.

Galra Heat? Yep a Klanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن