Thirty Seven

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His head pounded and he was tired. He felt dizzy. Keith could hear cries but didn't know who it was. His whole body ached. It was on fire and was sore. What the hell! He thought. Keith opened his eyes. It was dark and his vision seemed to be fogged.  

"Ke-" Keith blinked. He tried to speak but something stopped him. Keith began to cough and gasp for air. He was being gagged. Keith's throat was now aching even more." Kei-" He looked around and tried to get used to the darkness. 

"Mmm!" Keith tried to cry out but nothing worked.

"Wake up!" Keith wanted to yell that he was but the stupid gag was there. Keith blinked one last time and saw Lance chained up to the wall with his face dropped down." W-wake up." 

"MM!" Lance looked up barely and saw Keith moving and pulling on chains.

"Keith!" Lance whisper/yelled. Lance shot up but was pulled back towards the wall. Keith shivered and looked down. He then regretted it and shut his eyes tight. He was completely naked. He whined while trying to cover himself. 

"Lance." Lance turned his head quickly and saw Hunk and Pidge.


"Sh." Pidge covered his mouth." Be quiet." She took out her bayard and cut Lance's chains. Lance then shot up and ran over to Keith.

"Hey, baby." Lance cupped Keith's cheek. Tears ran down his face." Pidge hand over your bayard." Lance whispered. Pidge gave him her bayard and Lance cut Keith's chains off. Lance very carefully grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Keith. Lance lifted Keith up and carried him in bridal style. Keith's head was placed on Lance's shoulder. Keith had longed to be close to Lance and take in his scent. 

"Come on, we were able to sneak up here by some vines."

"S-sneak?" Keith asked quietly. Hunk gave a sad smile while creaking the door open a little. Both Keith and Lance gasped at the sight. The homes and plant life were all on fire. There were guards almost everywhere. There were no birds flying around in the sky or animals wondering the ground." No." 

"Oh my god." 

"Let's get going." Pidge said while shutting the door. They all headed out the back and found the vines Hunk was talking about. They carefully climbed down them without anyone seeing them." There." Pidge pointed to the Yellow and Green lion, which were hiding behind many large tree and bushes, that of course were on fire." Lance your with me." 

"Got it." Lance followed Pidge to the green lion while Hunk made it to Yellow. Pidge hoped into her seat and told Lance to sit down and hold on. 

"L-lance." Keith whimpered.

"Shh, it's okay baby. I'm here." Lance said and held Keith close. Keith's bottom lip quivered and tears rained down his face." Hey, baby don't cry. It's okay your safe." Lance kissed Keith's forehead and Keith melt. Lance pulled back quickly." Are you okay?!"

"Mhm, I just missed it."


"Your kiss." Keith said and Lance smiled.

"Oh yeah?" Keith nodded and Lance gave him a soft loving kiss on the lips. When they pulled apart Pidge yelled at them.

"Can that wait?!" 

"Sorry!" Lance yelled back. Keith giggled and winced." You okay?"

"Y-yeah it just hurts at this angle," Keith said while moving around trying not to sit down.

"Here." Lance moved down the wall and kind of laid down while pulling Keith on top of him so he was laying on Lance." How's this?"

"Good." Keith sighed while laying his head on Lance's heart. The steady beat made him feel safe and tired. 

"Go to sleep baby."Lance rubbed Keith's back to comfort him.

"Damn you read my mind," Keith said while yawning." Mmm." Keith snuggled into Lance's shoulder loving the warm he gave off. Lance wished he had brought his jacket so he could put it over Keith. All he could do now was wrap his arms around Keith and snuggle his nose into Keith's messy black hair. Lance then fell asleep in Keith's hair. 


Everyone had arrived back at the castle. 

"MMmmmmmmommmmma!" Allura giggled as she chased Rosalina.

"Hey slow down!" She giggled. In the time Allura spent with Rosalina, she had discovered that Rosalina was a learner and now knew how to crawl.

"Mmmmmmmommmmmma!" Rosalina cried out as she saw her parnets.

"Allura we need to set up a heal pod." Pidge said to her and she nodded seeing how Lance was carrying. They all headed to the pod room and Lance put Keith in one of the suits. Keith was still asleep some how, the lights in the room were blinding. He carefully placed Keith in the pod and the pod began to glow a nice warm color.

"Lance what happened?" Allura asked as Lance turned around.

"Lotor. He said he was going into rut and was going to use Keith. He said his rut would start any time now so I thought I could get him off guard but he was lying, damn he's really good at lying-"


"Right sorry. Then the next thing remember was seeing Keith and a girl named A-"

"Ariwhite." Allura said.

"Y-yeah? I guess she helped Keith escape but douple crossed him." Lance looked back at Keith." Then Lotor chained me up and knocked me out, next thing I knew I was calling Keith's name and Pidge and Hunk safed us." Lance smiled warmly at them and they nodded." Hey, where's Shiro?" 

"He went to get the blue lion." Pidge said.

"Damnit." Lance put his hand in his hair.

"Can we please reframe from using your Earths bad language while Rosalina is in the room?" Allura said and picked up Rosalina. Rosalina grabbed some of Allura's hair and pulled on it." Rosalina!" Lance laughed at this and walked over to her.

"Hi baby." Lance picked Rosalina up and she stared at him.

"Ddddddddddadddddddddddddda?" She put her small hands on his face and kind of patted him.

"Haha, hi." Lance sat down and Rosalina sat in his lap. Rosalina then started to scream and cry.

"Ddddddddddddddadddddddddddda!!!" Lance winced because to the sudden out burst but then put his knees up and hugged her.

"Shhh, it's okay baby girl." Lance whispered to her.

"Dddddddadddddddda." Rosalina said. Lance smiled at her and rubbed her little cheeks. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. Rosalina then burst into tears again and screamed.

"Hey Allura did you-" 

"COME ON!" Hunk yelled and grabbed Lance and Rosalina and ran to the kitchen. Then Shiro burst into the room panting.

"Is Keith okay?!" Allura turned around and looked at Shiro.

"Hello Shiro." She said. Pidge looked at Shiro with a death glare.

"Don't you dare." She said and pointed her finger at his chest." Keith is happy with him and if you do anything to hurt him I wont hesitate to kick your ass." She said finally and left with that. 

"What is she talking about?" Allura asked. Shiro looked at his feet." Black Paladin I asked you a question." Allura said sternly. 

"Okay! Look I don't want to talk about it, okay." He said to her.

"Fine we don't have to talk about it, but we will at some point." Allura said and left to the kitchen. Shiro gritted his teeth. 

"Why." He stared at Keith's pod." Why are you doing this to me?!" 

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