Twenty Two

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"Lance can you please just try?"

"How!? I can't do it!"

"Hey calm down." Keith put his hand on Lance's shoulder. Lance looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah mhm sure." Lance took a deep breathe then put his hands on the capsule.

"Okay now just think about something that might be related to an Altean idea." Pidge said and Lance nodded." Say it out loud so we can wright it down."

"When I was ten my older brother had a disease and had to go to the hospital."

"Did the hospital tell you what he had?" Hunk asked. As Lance kept talking images would appear showing what lance saw as a child.

"The doctor never told us what it was because he had no idea what it was. My brother got scars under his eyes." Allura then looked at the image. Lance's brother had purple tan scars under his eyes.

"Those look like markings." Allura said.

"Wait look here!" Pidge pointed to the corners of the screen where a small light was coming from." Looks like a blue light?"

"Yeah?" Keith said. 

"Do you remember anything that hurt you?" Pidge asked.

"Why I turned 13, my family and I went to the beach and I was bite by a shark."

"I remember that." Hunk said." He was in the hospital for weeks." 

"He was bite by a shark?!" Keith exclaimed.

"What is a shark?" Allura asked.

"It's a creature that lives underwater." Keith said.

"I'm surprised you know what a shark is Keith." Pidge said and Keith glared at her.

"I didn't live in the desert for all of my live." Keith said. Lance kept talking about his past and images of bright lights and flashes would random appear if something would happen.

"One time my mama was driving and another car slammed into us from the side." When the image came up you could see Lance in the window. He was young maybe 5 or 6? The side where the car was hit is where lance was sitting behind the passenger seat. The window had broke and glass was everywhere. From what they could see, Lance was going to see if his brother was okay but soon saw that there was glass in his brother chest close to his heart. You could tell his eyes were getting watery and that there was blood and his face because you could see blood on his nose.

"Mama? L-Luis? W-wake up! Mama! MAMA! Please!" Everyone was shocked. Keith covered his mouth and let eyes get watery. 

"Oh my god." Shiro said. Pidge then decided to pull Lance from his memory.

"Lance! Hey!" Pidge shock him but no budge." He's not waking up! He's still in there!"

"Can you tell me your name?"  There was a police officer in front of Lance. He looked around until he saw his brother and Mama on stretchers.

"Mama?" He tried to walk over to them but the officer stop him.

"Son you need to tell me you name so we can help you."

"But mama needs help!"

"Lance! LANCE SON! Where are you!" From the screen you could tell Lance was looking around to see who was calling his name.

"Papa?" Then a tall man was in Lance vision." PAPA!" He ran into his fathers arms and cried." Papa it's mama she's hurt! So is Luis!"

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