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As I am coming back from over 2 years of not updating, here are some reunion stories. I hope you enjoy.


Seriously, this had been the longest week in all of history! And that was saying a lot, cause at this point, America was super old! You had been away on a work trip, and no matter how many times you called or texted or sent him cute pictures of yourself, he still couldn't help but miss you desperately! Man, it sucked! It was something that made him totally not feel like a hero!

As he was wallowing in self misery on the couch, indulging in the LEGO Batman movie, he fell asleep, unaware as your car turned into the driveway.

Your eyelids felt weak and heavy and aches permeated through every inch of your body. All you wanted to do was lay down and sleep for the next several days. You pushed open the door of your car, and practically rolled out onto the driveway. Deciding that your suitcase would be comfortable in the trunk, you trudged up to the front door, unlocking it and falling inside. In the distance you heard the antics of a children's film and you couldn't help but smile, because you were home, with him, and that was all that mattered.

You snuck slowly into the family room, eyes landing on your precious little hero and you smiled tiredly. He looked so warm and comfortable, his shirt rising just enough to see his adorable squish, his cheeks rosy, and his ever-present classes just slightly askew.

Moving carefully so you didn't wake him up, you curled up against his chest, head resting over his heart and hands gently gripping his shirt. The feeling of his chest rising and falling beneath you was calmly, almost mesmerizing. For a moment, you thought you'd join him in dream land too.

But his eyes cracked open a bit, and he grinned sleepily. "Howdy," he breathed, the sight of you warming him to his core.

You smiled back at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Hi there, hero."

The two of you laid there for the rest of the day, in each other's warm embrace, making up for lost time.


Airports at 2:30 were certainly an interesting spectacle, what was usually a densely packed area had been completely cleared out, and you could pretty much see the tumbleweeds rolling along the empty corridors.

Canada had been all ready to go at 6, to pick you up at 7 and take you out to dinner. He hadn't seen you in nearly 3 weeks, and he was so excited to finally have back his best friend and girlfriend. But then you called and told him the flight was delayed, and you wouldn't be landing until 3 in the morning. He'd have to wait even longer to see you, and his wonderful plans to welcome you home were ruined by faulty airplane schedules!

He checked his watch a few more times, sighing as the seconds seemed to be ripping holes in his exhausted body. All he wanted, all he had wanted for 3 weeks, was just to hold you, to feel your warmth, to touch your hair as your pressed closer to him. And as much as it embarrassed him to admit it, he missed your more intimate times together as well... he just missed you terribly, and his body was aching for you.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, smiling almost immediately. Your text to him read "just landed! See you soon!"

He kept his eyes fixated on the door that you would eventually exit from. The second he saw you, his pushed himself off the bench and sprinted over to you, nearly knocking over other people who were also exiting. He whisked you into his arms, and buried his head in your neck, blushing madly as he heard you chuckle at his eagerness. Your fingers passed through his hair and he thought he would nearly die of happiness.

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