A/N: Prussia wins! And I have another question...

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So it seems Prussia is our winner, it looks a little bit like this:
Russia: 3
Prussia: 5
Spain: 2
Scotland: 3
Going along with that, I'll add Prussia's scenerios first, then Russia's, following with Scotland and then Spain.

Anyways, my real reason for making this was I have yet another question (for anyone who really truly gives a fuck)
For Prussia scenerios (at least the first 3) I have an idea that doesn't exactly follow the format of the original boyfriend scenerios. Would you guys prefer I stay with the normal stuff or is it okay for me to try something new? This idea will happen to one of the new guys but it works the best with Prussia I feel, so it will happen no matter what.
It best to know ASAP so I can actually start writing for Prussia soon.

Thanks for voting!

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