[10] Ivypool

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Ok wow! It's been a long time since I've updated this story! I sort of stopped updating the story because of drama and scandals in the Warriors fandom and also for some personal reasons.

But now I'm back and because of the lockdown I should have more time to update this.


Ivypool rolled her eyes as she stood beside Blossomfall. Harespring had already suggested staying as a group. Everybody seemed happy about it then but were now speaking out.

"We have various options." Tigerheart meowed. "We could find a safe place and then go our separate ways."

"We could become kittypets." Dovewing pointed out.

Ivypool frowned at that answer. "Or loners."

"I think we should stick together." Blossomfall quietly said, "We're used to living in groups."

"I agree with the tortoiseshell." Whiskernose raised his tail.

"We could head back to the old territory." Thornclaw said.

"Wasn't that destroyed by the twolegs?" Breezepelt growled.

"We could use that as a starting point." the golden tom said.

"What about the Tribe of Rushing Water." Birchfall suggested.

"That could be a good place to go." Tigerheart said. "You know where it is Dovewing. Right?"

Dovewing nodded but then shook her head sharply. "No! It isn't safe! There's eagles!"

Ivypool knew she was thinking about a cat named 'Swoop of the Chestnut Hawk' who had been carried off by an eagle.

"Where should we go then?" Whiskernose asked Dovewing.

The grey cat remained silent.

"I know we shouldn't talk about StarClan... but..."

Everyone turned around to look at Icewing.

"I had a dream last night... It was of my son. He told me he had finally made it to StarClan after Grasspelt and I made peace with one another."

"Did he say anything else?" Birchfall asked.

"He told me to promise him that we will all find somewhere safe to live. Maybe this is our dark time now but one day we'll find our future home and forgive ourselves. Then we'll finally be at peace."

"Anything else?" Blossomfall pressed.

"He said that we'll travel far away where StarClan will no longer reach us. It's probably for the best."

The cats remained silent for a while before Breezepelt spoke up. "Well that doesn't help us much."

"Perhaps we should just travel and see where we go." Blossomfall suggested.

Ivypool immediately nodded glancing away shyly as she locked eyes with her friend.

"That's an awful idea!" Breezepelt shouted. "We'll end up walking into a fox den!"

Blossomfall ducked her head in embarrassment as the silver and white molly glared at the tom.

"Any better ideas?" Ivypool retorted.

Breezepelt lashed his tail but didn't reply.

"But we should go through the mountains." Tigerheart protested. "Dovewing! You did mention a cat named Stormfur, right?"

"Yes. But I don't think it is a good idea..."

"We can't stay here!" Blossomfall argued. "The den is too small and we'll be running out of prey soon."

"We could dig more dens!" Breezepelt snarled.

"Not all of us want to get our paws dirty for a den that will flood in newleaf!" Blossomfall shouted.

The black tom lept at the tortoiseshell she-cat who unsheathed her claws as the tom landed on top of her.

Freaking out Ivypool ripped Breezepelt off her and dragged him out the den as everyone watched.


"What was that for?" Ivypool snarled at him.

"She's going to kill us all!" Breezepelt snapped, crouching down.

Before Ivypool could react the ebony cat barreled into her. Sending them both down a hill.

Ivypool slashed his ear as he pinned her down.

"I'm going to kill you!" he threatened.

"Do it then!" Ivypool snapped back. "Take it out on me that you have nobody you love left. Heathertail deserves way better than you! I bet she is glad that you are gone!"

Before the ex-WindClan warrior could go for her throat there was a blinding flash and the two cats where knocked away by a blast of wind.

As the flash disappeared a faded tabby silver cat stood between them. Two silver eagle wings were spread out above her head.


"Who are you?!"

One look at those peaceful blue eyes were enough to melt away all the anger in the she-cat's body.

"My name is Feathertail. I was one of the cats who found the lake territories. "Along with your father." She nodded at Breezepelt who looked shocked.

"I know you both only want the best for your group." Feathertail took a deep breath of the morning air as she sat down. Breezepelt crept closer, his amber eyes still narrowed with suspicion but had a glimmer of curiosity in their depths.

"But you don't know where to go." She turned to him.

She lifted her feathery tail under Breezepelt's chin and made him face the rising sun in the distance. "We followed the dying warrior to reach the lake. Now it's your turn. Follow the rising warrior, then you'll find where you belong."

There was the noise of loud paws running downhill as Feathertail faded. Giving Ivypool one last smile she faded. Breezepelt's chin dropped and the two cats stared at eachother in bewilderment.

As they looked behind them they could see the other cats behind them.

"Who was that?"

"What did she say?"

"She didn't look like a StarClan warrior."

Breezepelt stood up to explain, his fur still fluffed up with shock.

"Follow the sun!" Ivypool yelped.

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