[9] Icewing

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Sorry its been a whole month since the last chapter! I'm feeling much better and ready to work on this again!

Thank you guys for over 400 reads and all the lovely comments! It means a lot to me that people enjoy my writing!^^


Icewing tried not to puff out her chest in pride as the cats below her yowled in approval, their eyes glimmering in hope.

Does Mistystar feel like this when she hosts meetings?

With horror she realized she was thinking about her clan.

Her former clan.

"Meeting dismissed." Harespring called, jumping down. "We need to be ready for tomorrow."

As the cats padded away Harespring beckoned Icewing over with his tail.

"Great speech! I hope you'll hold more meetings soon." His voice was friendly and filled with admiration.

"Thanks!" Icewing yawned, "Goodnight! I'll see you tomorrow! I'll guard the den."

"Are you sure?" The dark brown and white tom's voice softened, "You need sleep too."

"I'll sleep later." Icewing said curtly.

I don't think I can sleep. I remember hearing that ShadowClan warrior, Dawnpelt, drowned because of me.

The tom paded away into the darkness, giving her one last twitch of his ear.

Icewing trotted to the entrance of the den, away from the others.

The loud chatter eventually quietened into soft murmurs as cats settled down.

Icewing gazed outside. The fat moon was now blocked by three particular fluffy clouds...


"Icewing!" A familiar voice rang in Icewing's ears as she whipped around to see her kit .

Beetlewhisker padded up to her purring, and rubbed her cheek with his own, starlight glittering on his brown and white fur.

Around them was a moorland rolling into the horizon, as far as her blue eyes can see. Clear, bubbling rivers snaked across the earth. All which glowed like stars.

"Am I in StarClan?" she asked her son.

"Yes." He answered before hurriedly continued. "But you're not dead."

"When I saw you when I was rescuing Tigerheart, your pelt wasn't sparkling. "What happened?" she blurted out.

"After the great battle some cats made it to StarClan like Firestar and Hollyleaf of ThunderClan. They had fulfilled their destinies and made peace with their loved ones before dying." The dead warrior mewed. "Some of us were forced to stay, held back... by unfinished purposes, especially those who trained with the Place of No Stars."

"Were you one of them?" The white she-cat breathed.

"Yes. I was terrified, I thought StarClan banished me to the Dark Forest." Beetlewhisker's shoulders slumped before he straightened up again. "But once you made peace with Grasspelt I was freed and able to go to StarClan."

"I'm so sorry..." Icewing's eyes brimmed with tears.

"I can only hope Mintfur can forgive me. And that Hollowflight and Sunstrike get to go StarClan too." Her son mumbled.

At the mention of her ex mate Icewing burst into tears. "This is all my fault! If I hadn't agreed to train in the Dark Forest you wouldn't of followed me, and Mintfur wouldn't have died!"

"I don't blame you, Icewing." Beetlewhisker's eyes rounded. "We were all manipulated by the Dark Forest."

Icewing sniffed, watching as the glossy brown and white cat turned away.

"I need to go now." There was regret in his voice. "Your group is about to leave, far from the eyes of StarClan. We might not see eachother for a while, perhaps never again."

"No!" Icewing shouted, leaping for her son.

"Promise me you'll help your friends find a safe home." His fur was beginning to merge into the scenery.

It was too late for Icewing, he had faded away as the she-cat hit the ground. She carefully tucked her paws under her.

She wanted so badly for the dream to never end, her and Beetlewhisker to stay here in this beautiful field, just to endlessly talk, run through the grass or swim in the river.

But it wasn't going to happen. She silently vowed to fulfil her son's promise.

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