MTTC Ch 11 part 6

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Normal POV

"Alison are you okay!?" Miyoung called in the darkness.

Alison and Miyoung fell from the ladder because, Alison acssidentally took a step on a brocken piece of ladder, but before she fall down she grab Miyoung's ankle and they fall.

"Im OK!" Hopefully Alison answered. Miyoung signed then she sit on her back while looking around to only see a pitch black darkness.

"So what now?" Miyoung asked.

"Use your Magic gem!" Alison Shouted. finally Miyoung wake up from her element. Miyoung took her leather bag and open it to get her gem. few seconds later she finally felt the energy coming from the gem necklace she took it and a small light bloomed from her fist, she open her hand to see her gem necklace glowing like a ice crystal. Miyoung wear her necklace and then she open her hand. Suddenly a glowing ice formed on her palm, shining like a crystal. light came from the ice that became the lead for Louise.

Minutes had passed but they can't hind a single trace of Louise...

But suddenly...

Jin's POV

"JIN!" a voice shouted, Jin turned around to see her brother, Sungkyu.

"What!" Jin shouted while defending a Man eater.

"Finish that monster and meet me in your house!" Sungkyu answered back Sungkyu turn around and run directly to Jin's house.

Finally Jin finished her battle with a man eater she go directly to her house as his brother said. Jin entered the house and locked the door immediately, Jin turn around to see her brother Sungkyu holding a candle while looking at her with a poker face.

'Stop imitating my signature poker face!' Jin shouted in her mind.

"So what do yo-"

" we must follow your friends, they entered the tunnel." Sungkyu said while pointing at the passage to the tunnel. Jin nob and Sungkyu started going down the ladder and Jin followed.

The two finally reach the ground and together they search for Jin's friends.

Minutes had passed but no trace of Jin's friends, Suddenly they heard Alison's scream and the two quickly run and follow ed the sound.

Miyoung 's POV

Miyoung watched ALison in horror, because a man of the red queen. The man of the red queen have a gun pointed on Alison's head and his left hand is around Alison's neck.

"Leave her alone!" Miyoung shouted.

Miyoung found Louise with MinHye they're sitting behind a wall without a light.

Miyoung started to bolt energy to use her powers but she can't, Someone is blocking her power!

"Can't use your powers aren't you?" A voice said, she turn around to see a man...NO his not just a man the General of the Red queen.

"Leave Alison alone or el-"

"Or else what!?","You'll kill me hah remeber you don't even have powers to defeat me!" the General said.

Suddenly a BIG or a HUGE Roots came from the ground, the green roots attacked the two enemies but in the end the roots are around the enemies.

"You guys are okay?" a voice asked the three girls turn around to see Jin and Sungkyu running to their direction.

"How did you guys do that?" Louse asked while pointing at the roots.

"Um...we have this..." Sungkyu answered while showing them his cyan blue necklace around his neck.

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