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Hoseok pulled away first, needing to breath. He stared at Yoongi as he panted, his lips inches from Yoongi's.

Hoseok could feel his cheeks heating up as they turned red, his brain going into overdrive as he tried to figure out what just happened.

Yoongi had just kissed him... And he kissed back. And it wasn't because he'd had to, it was because he'd wanted.

Hoseok slowly moved further away, staring at the ground. He licked his lips, trying to collect his thoughts.

"Hoseok..." Yoongi said quietly. Hoseok didn't respond other than to sigh and place his head in his hands.

Hoseok said something that was muffled by his hands but Yoongi's robot ears heard.

"I kissed a robot... I kissed an actual robot..."

Yoongi watched as Hoseok's shoulders slumped and he slowly removed his hands from his face. He stared at the ground for a few more seconds before looking up at Yoongi.

"I..." His brow furrowed as he sighed again. "I'm confused." He admitted, as if Yoongi would be able to help him.

"About what?"

"This..." Hoseok gestured at the space between them. "Us. I don't even know what to think anymore."

He stood up, running a hand through his hair as he looked at Yoongi. He then shook his head, walking around in a small circle.

"You're a robot." He said.

"I know."

"You're a computer."

"I know." Yoongi stared emotionlessly at Hoseok.

"I could never love you." This time, Yoongi hesitated in his answer.

"You could..." Yoongi said carefully. "You do have the physical capability to do so."

"Yeah, but-" Hoseok was cut off by a sudden fit of coughs. He doubled over as he pulled out a tissue in his pocket.

Yoongi watched as Hoseok coughed into the tissue, wondering if he should pat his back or something.

Hoseok looked at the tissue, rubbing his chest.

"Oh, that can't be good..." Hoseok said before suddenly fainting. Yoongi jumped up and rushed to Hoseok as his body collapsed in crumpled heap.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi shook Hoseok, trying to get him to regain consciousness.

His gaze travelled to the tissue that had fallen from Hoseok's hand. He bit his lip as he stared at the blood streaked mucus before returning his attention to Hoseok.

"Hey, is he alright?" Yoongi looked up to see the man from earlier crouching next to him. Jimin and 'Kookie' stood behind him, peering down at Hoseok.

"I don't think so... He coughed some stuff up and then fainted." The man nodded.

"My car isn't far away. I can drive him to the hospital if you want." Yoongi nodded as he wiped his cheeks, making sure they weren't wet. "I'm Namjoon by the way."

"Yoongi." Namjoon carefully picked up the unconscious Hoseok and waited for Yoongi to stand. Yoongi made sure to pick up the dirtied tissue before following Namjoon, his brain already calculating all the possible causes for the fainting and the mucus.

He continued to bite his lip as he stared at Hoseok, hoping it was nothing serious.


"It's nothing too serious." The doctor said, flicking through his clipboard. "Just Hoseok's bronchitis acting up. Was he put under any stress recently?"

"Uh... Yeah. Wait, Hoseok has bronchitis?" Yoongi asked, the doctor nodding.

"Yep, but don't worry too much, he knows how to handle it." Yoongi nodded slowly as he looked at where Hoseok was lying in the hospital bed.

"I heard he fainted." Yoongi looked up as Seokjin rushed into the door. The doctor turned to look at Seokjin and smiled.

"Ah, Seokjin. Yeah, Hoseok didn't tell you his bronchitis was back?" Seokjin shook his head as he walked over to the bed. "Well it is."

Hoseok stirred, frowning as he raised a hand to his eyes. Yoongi scooted closer on the chair he was on.

"The light..." Hoseok mumbled, making everyone move slightly closer so they could hear him. "The light is still too goddam bright."

The doctor chuckled, shaking his head as Hoseok opened his eyes.

"If you stopped getting sick, you wouldn't have to deal with it." He joked and Yoongi stared at the two, wondering how many times Hoseok had been to the doctors.

"You could always dim the lights a little." Seokjin suddenly hit Hoseok, making Yoongi jump. "Ow! What was that for?"

"How long have you had the symptoms for?" Seokjin asked grumpily.

"I don't know, a little while. Why?" Hoseok rubbed his sore arm.

"You should've gone to the doctors, they could've given you medicine and you wouldn't have fainted."

"I have other patients to take care of so I'll leave you all. Don't take up the bed for too long." Hoseok nodded as the doctor walked out before looking back at Seokjin.

"I didn't really plan on fainting. I was just talking to Yoongi and then next this you know, I'm falling." Hoseok only then realised Yoongi was in the room and he briefly looked at him. "Uh... Yoongi, actually, I have to talk to Seokjin about something. Would you be able to..."

"I'll be in the canteen." Yoongi said, standing up.

"Thanks." Hoseok smiled slightly as Yoongi walked out. Yoongi bit his lip, chewing on it as he walked into the corridor.

"How is he?" Yoongi jumped when he realised Namjoon was still there. Jungkook was asleep in his lap and Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

"H-He's awake." Namjoon smiled, apparently relieved despite the fact he didn't know Hoseok.

"That's good." Yoongi nodded and Namjoon gestured at the seat next to him. "Jimin's just getting food so why don't you sit with us."

"Thanks." Yoongi sat down next to Namjoon and fidgeted uncomfortably. Namjoon watched him, one hand running through Jungkook's hair.

"You're a robot, aren't you?" Yoongi jumped slightly as he looked at Namjoon, who smiled. "I'm sorry, it's just I'm good at spotting out a robot."

"You are?" Given all of the Bangtan Robots were designed to appear human, it was an impressive feat to be able to differentiate one from a human.

"Yeah, I've gotten pretty good at it." Jimin suddenly appeared, silently passing a can of drink to Namjoon. "I do have two of them after all."

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