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Hoseok and Yoongi walked down the street to the clothes store, walking at an awkward close but not close distance.

They both seemed as though they didn't quite know what to do, like they wanted to be close but then were too awkward to actually do anything.

For Hoseok, it wasn't really that he was awkward, he was just ignoring it.

"Joonie hyung, I want that!" A younger boy exclaimed, tugging at a blonde haired males sleeve. Hoseok watched them, realising there was a third, slightly sadder member of the group.

"We can't, it's too expensive." 'Joonie' said, shaking his head as they looked through window of a restaurant. "Let's just go home, Jimin can cook something."

The younger boy scrunched up his nose and poked out his tongue.

"I don't want Jimin's food." The other boy sighed and Hoseok realised that he was probably Jimin, and also probably a robot. "I want that food."

"Kookie, it costs too much." 'Kookie' pouted and looked like he was about to retort with something, but Hoseok never got to hear it because by then they'd walked past.

"That robot didn't look happy." Yoongi said quietly, looking over his shoulder at the robot. "They really bought the wrong series of robot..."

"What do you mean?" Hoseok frowned as he looked over his shoulder, trying to figure out what series the Jimin robot belonged to.

"He's a BABYG." Yoongi said, shrugging. "They were one of the first to be released and the creators focussed mainly on developing emotions in the robots. BABYGs got attached easily and there were a lot of malfunctions. They quickly got replaced by the V series, though they weren't liked much for their eyeliner wearing and weirdness. Now there's me."

Hoseok stared at Yoongi as he shrugged, nodding slowly.

"There's the shop." Yoongi pointed at the place he and Hoseok had been walking to, drawing Hoseok's attention from him.

Hoseok took Yoongi's hand as he led him into the shop, not really thinking about what he was doing. He just kind of did it...


Everything Yoongi tried on, he looked perfect in. Eventually, they managed to narrow the outfits down to ten.

Luckily, Hoseok didn't spend much money and had plenty saved up. It felt good to finally be spending the money that had just been left in his bank account, even if he was just spending it on a robot.

Hoseok smiled at Yoongi as they walked out of the store, genuinely feeling happy for once. Yoongi smiled back, liking this side of Hoseok.

"Let's get ice cream. I haven't had ice cream in ages." Hoseok said, walking off in the direction of the ice cream shop. Yoongi followed next to him, adjusting the bags he was carrying in his hands.

Hoseok glanced at Yoongi and then paused, moving to the side of the footpath and pulling his phone out.

"Seokjin hyung, I need you to drop some things of at my house." Hoseok said, pausing to listen to whatever Seokjin said. "I'll meet you at the ice cream shop, and yes, it is important. Yoongi and I can't carry bags around all day..." Hoseok sighed at whatever Seokjin said. "If you really must know, I'm on a date with Yoongi."

Hoseok chuckled as he hung up, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Hyung is so easily fooled." He said, picking up the bags he'd been carrying. "Don't get any ideas, robot, I only said that so Seokjin would pick up the stuff."

Yoongi nodded and tried to tell himself that that didn't hurt. But he was, of course, just lying. And it did hurt a lot.

Especially the bit about being a robot.


"Did you know..." Hoseok said as he and Yoongi sat at the park, even though Yoongi didn't know. "that my mother used to bring me here and we'd eat ice cream together."

Yoongi shook his head, looking up from his ice cream.

"Well she did... She also made this killer seaweed soup. It was amazing..." Hoseok sighed sadly. "She's gone now."

"Is that why you... got upset when you ate the seaweed soup I made you?" Yoongi asked tentatively, worried he might say the wrong thing.

Hoseok nodded, sniffing as he wiped his cheeks.

"Yeah, I hadn't eaten seaweed soup since before she... died. And then yours tasted just like hers - perfect." He shrugged. "I dunno, it just got to me."

"Like the ice cream is..." It was only then that Hoseok realised tears were falling down his cheeks again.

He cursed himself for crying, and then cursed the damn robot sitting across from him for making him feel whatever it was he felt.

Yoongi was the only person/thing that Hoseok had ever opened up to other than Seokjin, and it confused him.

Yoongi cupped Hoseok's hand with his free hand, gently kissing away his tears. Hoseok sat there, feeling extremely confused by everything.

Yoongi hesitated for a brief moment before gently pressing his lips against Hoseok's. He expected him to pull away or something, but he didn't.

Instead, Hoseok kissed back.

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