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Seokjin smiled as he looked down at V, who was hugging his new large doll while he slept. Seokjin had won it in a game at the fair after growing sick of V whining in his ear about it.

V sighed happily as he snuggled closer to the doll. Seokjin sat down next to him, careful not to wake him. He placed the two hot chocolates he'd made on the coffee table and continued to watch V sleep, before falling asleep himself.


"Seokjin, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Junghee." Seokjin's boss said one day, standing in Seokjin's small office. He placed his hands on the girl's shoulders, who smiled and waved. Seokjin couldn't help but feel he'd seen her somewhere before. "She's going to be working here soon as a secretary, so I want you to show her around."

"Okay." Seokjin nodded, making his boss smile.

"Good, I knew I could count on you. Now, I have a meeting to go to." Seokjin's boss left, leaving Seokjin and Junghee alone.

"Have we... Have we met before?" Seokjin asked, frowning slightly. Junghee smiled and shook her head.

"No, I think I'd remember seeing a pretty face like yours." Seokjin felt his cheeks turn red.

"Uh, I-I... Um... Sorry, you just looked familiar." Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, do you know where the toilets are? Because that's generally useful to know." Junghee laughed.

"Yes, that was the first place my father showed me, but thanks." Seokjin licked his lips nervously, looking around.

Conversing with girls was really not his thing.


"Today was fun, Oppa." Junghee said as they stood outside the large building they both now worked at. "Do you want to maybe get lunch sometime."

"Uh, sure." Seokjin didn't particularly want to go on a date with Junghee, but he also didn't want to hurt her feelings. She was his boss's daughter, after all.

Plus, a small part of Seokjin thought that maybe if he got a girlfriend, his mum would accept him again.


"Jinnie~~" V cried when Seokjin came home. He jumped up from his spot on the coffee table. "Guess what! Guess what!"

"What?" Seokjin asked, chuckling at the little fairy's excitement.

"Look!" V fluttered his wings and hovered a couple of centimetres off the ground. He quickly came back down. "I can't get very high or stay up for long, but I've been practising." V sat down. "It's tiring though."

"You know what this means?" Seokjin asked, crouching in front of the coffee table. V shook his head. "It means we need to celebrate." V gasped and jumped back up again.

"With cotton candy and Nutella and pancakes?" V asked, jumping up and down. Seokjin laughed.

"Only if you promise not to get it all over your clothes." V smiled widely.

"I promise." V and Seokjin then did their equivalent of a pinky promise, which consisted of them touching pinkies given V couldn't lock pinkies with Seokjin. V then jumped up and down again. "Yay! I like celebrating things!"

"That's good." V jumped on to Seokjin's outstretched hand, his wings buzzing with his excitement. "So... What do you want first - pancakes, cotton candy or Nutella?"

"All of them!" V threw his arms up in the air. "There is no first! We must eat them all at once." Seokjin chuckled again.

"Okay then... Let me make pancakes and then we can feast." He placed V down on the bench, who sat down and watched him make the pancakes.

V quickly got bored and decided to practise his flying. Seokjin paused to watched as V hovered for a few seconds, fell, got back up and hovered again. This process continued until V realised Seokjin was watching and made him get back to making pancakes.

"If you don't make pancakes, it'll become a midnight snack and you'll be tired tomorrow." V said, pushing Seokjin's hand gently so it went back to mixing. "And if you're tired, then you're not happy."


V smiled as he sat on Seokjin's chest, looking at his new little machine. He was happy to see some of the happiness and risen.

V looked over at Seokjin, biting his lip as he stared at him. Seokjin was asleep on the couch, cotton candy in his hair from when they'd tried to make a Nutella-Cotton Candy-Pancake.

If V made Seokjin happy, then Jungkook would take him. And then V would go back to what he'd been doing before he was sent on this task - nothing.

Before, all he did was sit around and wait for J-Hope to come home with stories about what he'd done in the human world, or how Jimin had once again completed a really hard mission.

V crawled up and picked the cotton candy from Seokjin's hair.

If Seokjin was happy, then V was happy. V would support anything that made Seokjin happy, even if it meant watching him marry Jungkook.

V was unable to magic a human-sized blanket up for Seokjin, so instead he just magicked up the biggest one he could and hoped that would do. He then lay down next to Seokjin and sighed.

If Seokjin was happy, V was happy.
That would be his motto.




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