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Jungkook frowned as he stared at his machine, annoyed with the lack of change in Seokjin's mood. It was still saying he was depressed as ever.

He looked up at the sleeping human, watching as he huffed in his sleep. He had been tossing and turning for the past couple of minutes, obviously having a nightmare.

Jungkook got up and touched Seokjin's arm.

"Wake up." Seokjin's eyes shot open. He instantly began to calm as Jungkook's magic coursed through his body.

Jungkook stared at Seokjin, wondering how he could create something permanent. Everything he did was temporary, despite his superior magic skills. He needed something that lasted.

"Jungkook..." Seokjin said, slowly looking up at Jungkook. "Please give V another chance."


"JINNIE~~" Seokjin shot up, catching the small fairy that had fallen off his face.

"V!" Seokjin smiled as he turned on his lamp. V hugged Seokjin's fingers.

"The queen gave me another chance." V said happily. "But he said if I failed, I lose my wings."

"What?" V pouted as he sat down in the palm of Seokjin's hand. "Why is Jungkook so harsh?"

"It's only to me, and it's because of this task. If I had Jimin's task, he wouldn't be as harsh." V hugged Seokjin's thumb. "It's because he wants you to be happy."

"But why? There are plenty of depressed people out there, why me?" V sighed, looking up at Seokjin.

"You're his prince, and he loves you."


"J-Hope, how is Seokjin going?" Jungkook asked from his throne. He lay across it, looking extremely bored.

"It just spiked." J-Hope said, looking at his machine. "Now it's relatively calm, but it has improved."

"Dammit." Jungkook muttered, covering his eyes with his hand as he sighed. "What does that fairy have that I don't?"

"He has very little magic." J-Hope sat down in front of Jungkook's throne. "So it makes him seem like a mini human. He's also extremely cute."

Jungkook removed his hand, staring down at J-Hope with one eyebrow raised. J-Hope was smiling slightly, his cheeks tinted a faint pink colour.

"So... What you're saying is I'm too fairy-like?" J-Hope stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before nodding. A smile slowly formed on Jungkook's lips. "I have an excellent plan..."

"What is it?"

"I know exactly how to make the prince mine." Jungkook sat up. "J-Hope, pack your bags, we're going on a holiday."


Seokjin was washing his hair when V appeared in front of him. He jumped when he saw him, not really expecting the little fairy to teleport to him while he was in the shower.

Despite having low magic power, V still had the capability to teleport randomly, which had unintentionally given Seokjin several heart attacks.

"Ah, V! I'm in the shower!" Seokjin exclaimed, instantly covering himself as best he could with his hands.

"I know." V said, sitting on the small shelf inside the shower, wearing his usual black and red bathing shorts. "But I got bored and lonely."

"V... I'm not wearing any clothes." Seokjin said quietly, his cheeks turning pink.

"I won't look. I promise." Seokjin stared at him and slowly moved his hands back up to his hair. V's gaze stayed fixed on Seokjin's face.

Seokjin slowly started to relax, though he felt uncomfortable about showering in front of someone. He would just have to trust the little fairy.

V suddenly gasped and jumped up, his wings fluttering slightly.

"What?" V looked up at Seokjin, looking extremely worried.

"Jinnie, did you hurt yourself?" V pointed and Seokjin's gaze travelled to where he was pointing. He sighed when he realised what V had seen.

"I-It's fine, V, I just-"

"Did you hurt yourself because you were sad?" Tears started forming in V's eyes as he stressed out. Seokjin bit his lip, knowing he wouldn't be able to lie to V.

"Yes, but-" V made a frustrated noise, pulling his hair as he spun in a circle.

"I'm a bad fairy, bad fairy, bad fairy." Every time V said the words 'bad fairy', he hit his head.

"V, it's okay. They've healed... These," Seokjin gestured at the scars that littered his wrists. "Are just scars. They're old." V paused, looking up at Seokjin.

"So you don't hurt yourself?" He asked, and Seokjin forced himself to smile.

"No, I haven't for a while now. You've made me a lot happier." Seokjin held out his palm so V could climb on. "You're not a bad fairy, okay. Just ignore Jungkook."

V suddenly climbed up Seokjin's arm and hugged his cheek.

"Please don't ever hurt yourself again." V said. "It makes me sad."

"I promise."




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