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When Seokjin woke, he realised he had something lying on his face. He opened one eye and saw a blurry mass of black and white, so he figured it was V.

V, who was still asleep, fluttered his wings, tickling Seokjin's nose. Seokjin fought the urge to sneeze, not wanting to accidentally blow V across the room or something.

'So if he's still here, does that mean he's real?' Seokjin thought as V rolled over. V's foot kicked Seokjin's lips, almost slipping past them.

Deciding enough was enough, Seokjin picked up V and put him down next to him. V opened his eyes slowly, rubbing them with a fist. He stared up at Seokjin with half-lidded eyes, his mouth open slightly.

"Good morning, Jinnie." He slurred, lazily waving a hand in Seokjin's general direction. This made Seokjin smile - one, because it looked cute, and two, because V was obviously not a morning person. Or fairy. Or whatever.

"Good morning, V..." Seokjin stood up and pulled his slippers on. When he turned back to V, V was standing up on his pillow, now wearing ladybug slippers.

"Is it breakfast time? I'm hungry." Taehyung rubbed his tummy, as if to show just how hungry he was. Seokjin began to wonder if hallucinations could eat. If they weren't real, then wouldn't the food just sit on the plate.

"Sure." Seokjin shrugged, deciding to just go with it. "What do you want?"

"Pancakes! And bacon! And toast! Ooh, and crumpets, muffins, waffles, omelettes..." Seokjin sighed as he watched V think.

"You're just naming every western breakfast you can think of, aren't you?" V nodded and smiled. "You can have toast."

"Aww, but I want pancakes." Seokjin shook his head and let V scramble up his arm.

"I don't have the ingredients. Maybe tomorrow." If V was still there tomorrow...

V climbed up and sat on Seokjin's shoulder, hugging Seokjin's neck. He liked sitting up there, because it made him feel tall.

As they walked, V tried to figure out why Seokjin was do unhappy. Once he figured that out, he could create a plan to fix everything.

Seokjin placed V down on the kitchen table as he went to make the two of them breakfast. His breakfast consisted of coffee, while he made V toast coated with Nutella. He wasn't sure the little fairy needed the sugar, but he was in a relatively nice mood, despite having woken up to the possibility he might be going crazy.

"Ooh, thank you, Jinnie~" V said when a plate that was bigger than him was placed in front of him. On the plate was his piece of toast, which was probably the size of him.

In hindsight, Seokjin probably should have cut the toast up for V, but instead he just let him eat it. V ended up getting Nutella all over himself before Seokjin clued on to the fact that V wasn't going to manage without help.

"Hang on, I'll cut it up for you." Seokjin said, picking up the plate. V was sitting on the plate - and the toast - and came along for the ride. "And I'll clean you up too."

When Seokjin placed the plate on the bench, V jumped off and watched him expectantly.

"Take your shirt off, that's long past saving." Seokjin said, staring at the chocolate covered pyjama shirt. V did as he was told, pulling the shirt over his head. He hugged himself to protect his now bare chest from the morning cold.

Seokjin turned the tap on and waited till it was lukewarm. He then dampened a cloth and crouched in front of the bench so he was closer to V and could see what he was doing.

"Bleh~" V pulled a face when the damp cloth gently rubbed against his cheek, wiping away the chocolate spread. "It feels funny."

"I'm sorry, just let me get off the chocolate and I'll be done." V fell silent as Seokjin continued to clean him. He watched him, while Seokjin concentrated on getting all the chocolate off as gently as possible.

"Do you have to go to work again?" V asked, and Seokjin nodded. V pouted.

"I go to work every day." V's pout increased. "I have to so I get paid."

"Can I come?" V looked up at Seoljin hopefully, though these hopes were soon destroyed when he shook his head. "Aw, why not?"

"Because... People would look at me funny. If I was talking to myself." V huffed and sat down, now sulking. Seokjin ignored him and began cutting up his toast into more manageable pieces.

"There, that should be easier to eat." Seokjin said once he was done. V scrambled to his feet and rushed to the toast, his sulking forgotten.

"Thank you, Jinnie~~" V said happily before biting into one of the pieces.

"No problem, just try not to get it all over yourself this time." Seokjin looked up when he heard the front door open and close.

"Who's that?" V asked, also looking at the doorway that connected the hallway to the kitchen.

"Shh, it's probably nothing."

"Hey, hyung, who are you talking to?" Yoongi looked up from Seokjin's mail - which he'd been going through - and his eyes widened. "What is that??"

"You can see V?" Seokjin looked from V to Yoongi, wondering if that meant V was real or if Yoongi was just crazy too.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Yoongi pulled a face. "It's so ugly!"




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