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"Hey, I'm not ugly!" V exclaimed, stamping his foot angrily. Seokjin looked up at Yoongi, who scoffed.

"Yeah, you are. You're a tiny little man wearing a dress and makeup. And let me just say, red is definitely not your colour."

"Y-You can see him?" Seokjin asked again.

"Yeah." Yoongi shrugged as if it were no biggie, as if having a tiny little ladybug fairy in your kitchen was nothing unusual.

"But... You're so calm!"

"Hyung, if you have a thing for ugly, doll-sized fairy-things, I won't judge you." Yoongi said, placing a hand on Seokjin's shoulder. "Okay, so I will secretly, but I won't actually say anything."

"You just did, Dumb-dumb." Yoongi looked down at V, laughing at the attempt to insult him.

"Well, anyway, we can discuss your romantic preferences later, we need to get to work." Yoongi said, reminding Seokjin that he had to go to work. He groaned, down the rest of his cold coffee and quickly ran out, Yoongi close behind.

V watched for a few seconds before eating his breakfast, still managing to get chocolate all over himself despite it being cut up smaller.



V smiled proudly at the short and messy list he'd created of the things that put Seokjin in a bad mood.

He then dropped the large pen and sat down, looking around for something to do.

His little ladybug phone started ringing, and V quickly answered.

"V, how are things going with Jinnie?" The person - who just so happened to be the 'queen' fairy - asked.

"He's at work, but I managed to figure out what makes him in a bad mood."

"Okay. Well, keep working. The prince must be saved." V frowned slightly.

"Is Jinnie in trouble?" He asked and the queen hesitated, deciding whether it was a good idea to share the information he had with V.

"If Jinnie's mood isn't brought up soon, he could have a breakdown. The stress could end up piling up and, whabammo, it all just explodes." V stuck out his bottom lip, not liking this mental image of Seokjin exploding.

"Well I'll just have to make him happy quickly then... I don't want Jinnie exploding." V looked down at his small list. "It might get messy."


Seokjin sighed as he spun around on his swivel chair, exhaling slowly.

"Hyung, the boss wants to see you." Seokjin looked up at Namjoon, who was standing at the entrance to his little office area. Seokjin nodded, getting up and walking over to him.

"Uh... Hyung..." Namjoon said when Seokjin walked past. Seokjin paused, turning on his heels to look at him. "Do you... wanna go out and get some lunch later."

"I'm sorry, Namjoon, but I packed my own lunch." Seokjin smiled as Namjoon nodded, his cheeks turning pink.

"Okay. Sorry." Namjoon quickly rushed off. Seokjin waited a few seconds before walking again. He could hear laughter coming from the small office next to him.

"He really likes you, hyung." Yoongi said, making Seokjin frown.

"Shh, Yoongi, don't talk so loud." Yoongi just kept laughing while Seokjin walked off, wondering what his boss wanted.

He probably had more work to give Seokjin.


When Seokjin came home, he collapsed on to the couch and closed his eyes. It was a good thing V wasn't on the couch, because in his tiredness Seokjin had completely forgotten about him.

"Jinnie~~" V appeared, jumping on to Seokjin's head. "You're home~"

Seokjin didn't respond other to turn his head so he could partially see V, who moved so he was sitting on his cheek and playing with Seokjin's hair.

"Are you still in your pyjamas?" Seokjin asked. V nodded, sliding down Seokjin's cheek so he was sitting on the couch.

"Yup." Seokjin sighed, making himself sit up.

"Why?" V shrugged.

"They're comfy..." Seokjin frowned. Surely V must've got cold given he still didn't have a shirt on, and he'd lost his slippers somewhere.

"Okay..." Seokjin sighed and reached over for the remote, turning the TV on. V watched him, and then made a noise of surprise when noise started coming from the TV. He stared in amazement, making Seokjin chuckle. V then looked up at Seokjin.

"Why have you got little people stuck in that box?"




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