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Seokjin froze as he stared at the thing sitting on his kitchen table, his cup of coffee frozen halfway up to his lips.

Seokjin blinked, beginning to wonder if he'd gotten enough sleep last night. He'd gotten at least eight hours, so surely that was enough sleep. Looking at his cup of coffee, he slowly put it back down, deciding caffeine probably wasn't the best idea.

"Hullo~~" Seokjin jumped when the thing spoke. It waved cheerfully at him.

The thing that Seokjin had found on his kitchen table one relatively normal morning was what appeared to be a mini human wearing a ladybug tutu. It was sitting with its legs outstretched, playing with the corner of the table cloth.

"Y-You can speak?" Seokjin asked, feeling a little stupid for responding to a hallucination. The little person - which looked as though it could be male, though it was hard to tell - gave Seokjin a funny look.

"Of course I can speak." The thing shook its head, sighing. "You're silly."

"I'm silly?" Seokjin pointed at himself, and the little person nodded. "How am I silly?"

"You thought I couldn't talk." The little person giggled, and had the situation been different, Seokjin might have found it cute.

"What... are you?" Seokjin decided to ask, though he already knew what it was - a hallucination.

"I'm V the ladybug fairy, and I'm here to make you happy!" The little person - V - jumped up, his arms outstretched. Sparkles suddenly flew everywhere around him, seeming to erupt from his little wand.

"You're a ladybug fairy?" V nodded.

"Yup, the bestest fairy ever! Way better than all the other fairies!"

"And you're here to make me happy..." V nodded, walking over to where Seokjin's hand was placed on the table. He flipped it over so the palm was facing upwards and stood on it, looking up at Seokjin expectantly. Seokjin lifted his hand so he was eye level with V.

"I was sent by the queen fairy to make you happy, because apparently you've been very sad lately." V ran up so he was right up near Seokjin's face and placed a hand on each cheek. "Don't worry, Jinnie, everything will get better soon."

Careful not to squish V, Seokjin banged his head on the table and left it there. He felt something small climb on to the top of his head and began playing with his hair.

"I've gone crazy, haven't I?" He muttered to himself.

"I don't know, maybe..." V replied, attempting to plait Seokjin's hair. "Your hair is very soft, Jinnie."

"Thanks..." Seokjin sighed, wondering what he'd done to deserve this.


Having decided his little hallucination was relatively harmless, Seokjin left V at home while he went to the job he loved oh so much. V had pouted and thrown a tantrum, but Seokjin refused to let a figment of his imagination control his life.

By the time Seokjin had returned home, he was that tired he'd completely forgotten about V. So the sight he came home to was a bit of a shock.

"What happened??" Seokjin exclaimed as he looked around his living room, which now had a colour scheme of red with black polka dots. Everything had somehow been turned into that colour.

V sat on the coffee table, playing with a napkin he'd found somewhere.

"I changed everything." V said cheerfully when he noticed Seokjin. "Because this colour is so much more happier."

"B-But how?" Seokjin sat down on his ladybug couch, placing his head in his hands. "Why am I seeing things? Is it the stress? I can't be going crazy, I'm too young and pretty to be going crazy..."

Seokjin felt something touch his knee and he peered down at it from between his fingers. V had his hands on it, staring up at Seokjin concernedly. He had lost his smile, now too worried that Seokjin might be sad.

"I fixed everything. Are you happy now?" Seokjin looked around and realised everything had returned to the original colour scheme. Seokjin sighed, looking down at the concerned fairy.

"Thanks... But I'm still worried I might be going crazy." V frowned and climbed on to Seokjin's knee, balancing on it. He then climbed up on to the arm of the couch, running up to it till he reached the back, now relatively close to eye level with Seokjin.

"Why?" He asked, making Seokjin laugh humourlessly.

"Because I'm sitting here, talking to a fairy my imagination conjured up." V frowned at Seokjin before shaking his head.

"I'm not imaginary." He said. "I'm real."

"Really?" V nodded his head.

"Yeah, really really." Seokjin rolled his eyes and shook his head, standing up.

"I'm going to bed, maybe I just need sleep..." Seokjin's knees cracked as he stood up. "We'll see if you're still real in the morning."

"Can I come?" V asked, his arms outstretched like a child asking to be picked up. Seokjin sighed and held out his hand so V could jump on.

"I don't see why not..." V smiled happily as he climbed up Seokjin's arm and sat down on his shoulder, clinging to his neck.

"Thank you, Jinnie~~" V kissed Seokjin's cheek to show his gratitude, making Seokjin's cheeks turn a faint shade of pink. He quickly told himself it was no different from when a child kissed him.

"No problem..." Seokjin walked into his bedroom and placed V on the bed before grabbing his pyjamas and going into the bathroom.

When Seokjin returned, now ready for bed, V was asleep on his pillow. Somehow, he had changed into matching ladybug pyjama top and bottoms. He clutched his little wand tightly in his hand.

He made a little noise in his sleep, rolling over and kicking his leg. Seokjin sighed before gently moving V over so he could lie down.

Before he'd even managed to fall asleep, Seokjin felt something hit his cheek, which he quickly identified as V's foot. He sighed again, realising it was probably going to be a long night.




NOTE: I'm so sorry, the referral to "V" is probably gonna get really annoying really quick

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