seven .

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I made my way upstairs looking for jack.

I opened the door. He wasn't in there. I opened the next and I see a couple making out on a bed.

I quickly exited but then I realized that was jack.

What the fuck? Why the hell was he making out with some tramp?


That wasn't just any tramp that was Ashley. His ex are you kidding me?

It's not like we're dating or anything. Why was I so jealous. Ugh I fucking hate feelings like what is this.

I soon felt the tears coming and I ran. I just ran until I couldn't run anymore. I knew Jack was chasing me.

He finally caught me.

He tugged on me until I finally stood straight and looked him dead in the eye.

"WHAT?!?! What could you possibly say now?!!" I said tears already flowing

He just stood there. Silent. I swear this kid was on drugs on something.

"WELL SPEAK!!" I punched his chest over and over again getting all of my hatred out but clearly not affecting him.

He grabbed my fist in both his hands and said something in a very low tone.

"I think she put something in my drink, you might not believe me but I feeling a little wired right now.."

He did kinda look out of it. Maybe I was just being stupid.

"C'mon let's get you some water." I grabbed his hand and lead him to my house.


When we got there a sat him down on my bed and got him a glass of water.

Non of us were really saying anything, it was kinda just awkward.

"C'mere" he said gesturing for me to come cuddle in the bed with him.

His arm around my shoulder and my head in his chest.

"So how come you got so jealous----

Was he seriously doing this right now?

"I never even asked you to my girlfriend yet." He smirked

What? He was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend.

I cleared my throat and stayed silent.

"Emmy, what's your full name anyways?"

What did that have to do with anything?

"Umm.. It's Emersen Alexandra Pullman. I always hated Emersen, so they call me Emmy"

"Well in that case, Emersen Alexandra Pullman, will you be my girlfriend?"

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