Chapter 45

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Jimin was angry and hurt. He threw his phone onto his bed and left the room. It was late but he didn't care at all.
He asked himself over and over again why he was so angry? What was wrong with him?

He stepped out into the cold night air and took a deep breath. The cold air sent shivers down his spine as he inhaled it. He loosed his fist and finally calmed down. In the inner courtyard was everything dark and nobody was seen. He walked over to the old oak tree where a few benches where around. When he got closer he saw a figure.

Jimin cleared his throat and the other boy turned around. »Yoongi?« He asked in confusion. The elder smiled and made a gesture to tell him to sit down next to him. »Hey Jimin.« He said when Jimin sat down. »Why are you here this late?« The younger asked, looking up into the night sky.

»I guess i messed up some things and I just wanted to think a little. What about you?« Jimin smiled. »Same. I was angry and mad about a few things and I probably overreacted and now I'm a hated person.«
»Never. Nobody could hate you. Look at you...You are almost perfect.« Yoongi looked up to the stars too. » I'm definitely not Mr.Min« He giggled. »I make so many mistakes. And I hurt people because I am scared of getting hurt. I have so many fears of love and I have trust issues because of things that happened to me and because of that I always push people away from me.« Yoongi made a fist with his hands to keep in his anger.

»Jimin I'm sure if you would explain yourself to the people you love and care about they would understand.« Yoongi didn't realize Jimin was crying until he heard soft sobs from next to him. »Hey...Jimin...« He carefully placed his hand on Jimin's shaking body. The younger leaned into the touch closer to Yoongi. »Shh...Everything will get better.« He placed a soft kiss in the younger's forehead. »Can you please stay here with me a while?« Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded in response.

»Yoongi?« He spoke up after a while of silence.


»Did you know I had a huge crush on you? But then I met this other boy. I don't really know who he is...but I guess I fell completely in love with him.« Jimin smiled. »I mean I still like you...«
»Who is he? Tell me about this boy who was able to steal your heart.« Jimin placed his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

»He is kind and funny. Sometimes it's really weird when I talk to him.« The younger giggles. »Oh, and he hates when I text in capital letters.« He sighed and his smile faded a little, turning into a sad one. »But I guess he likes someone else. I mean he is always there for me when I need him. I only have to text him and he immediately answers me, anf I thought he could like me back...but he told me he would like to kiss someone...Which isn't me. That was the point I got mad. Then I texted Jungkook, my something like best friend, and while talking I got the feeling he was hiding something. He knows more. Everyone knows more than I do. I want to know who the boy is I fell in love with, but he's scared. And I'm okey with it...« Yoongi patted Jimin's back while he was talking. Tears crawling up his eyes when he saw how Jimin's eyes sparked when he talked about the guy he loved.

»Maybe we just shouldn't be together right? Maybe I should go straight and search for a good girl to make father proud.« Tears warmed up his cheeks but he smiled. »Maybe Suga doesn't like me. Maybe it was all a lie.« He wiped away the water on his face. »Everything started to be weird and dramatic when I started to get to know him. My life was all about love and drama. I had this huge crush on you but you seemed to not like me. And then Suga secretly made his way into my heart and everything got to be weird and sad. Because no matter how much I love someone...They never love me back because Yoongi I'm weird. I am a drama queen. I am annoying and I hide from problems. I try to play cool while I'm melting inside bc I see my crush. I am not good enough for anyone I guess.« He got up from the bench and stood in front of Yoongi. »But I'm here. I'm alive and that's the only thing that matters right?«

Yoongi was crying and staring at the boy with the broken heart. He wanted to say something. To be honest with him, but not any word came over his lips. »I never saw you crying Hyung.« Jimin giggled and grabbed his hands. »I'm sorry for all this. I guess you didn't came here to listen to my problems.« The younger patted Yoongi's hair and waved at him while walking away.

Yoongi was left with mixed feelings and he cried helplessly. He wanted to run after the boy but his body didn't move. He wanted to scream his name to stop him but he couldn't.
He sat there with tears on his face and a pain in his heart.

Because Yoongi fell in love with Park Jimin before Jimin even knew he existed.....

A/N: This story is going to end sooon I guess
IDK yet ^^

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