Start from the beginning

She trailed off, voice catching as she relived their harsh grip on her arms, the biting cold against her cheek, the countless hours frozen on her cell  floor. A tremoring shudder took over her body, as if her body was physically fighting off the bad memories.

Tony let out an angry breath, no longer wanting to continue the conversation. He cursed his curiosity and boldness when he saw her shudder. He turned back, grabbing the ropes as her began to pull the metal suit with him again, a sort of silent message to Lilly that it was clear neither one of them wanted to speak any further about this topic.

It slightly angered Lilly that she had told him such a personal secret-that she had offered up another excuse to the pitiful state she was now in- and he didn't say anything, that he didn't do anything. It angered her slightly that he thought that it was a good idea to ignore it like the past-her past- would just magically disappear.

Lilly had wished it enough, and she was ready to tell him that no matter how hard you wish for it to disappear-for yourself to disappear- it doesn't happen.

"That's it?" She whispered to herself, hands trembling.

Tony stopped, frowning as he looked over his shoulder back at her. Her hands were fisted, shaking uncontrollably. He missed the faint, pulsing glow that was emitting from them.

"Did you say something?" He asked, passing the conversation over his shoulder. He stopped upon hearing her sharp intake of breath, turning around to look at her. His face fell when he saw her fisted hands glowing a white so bright they looked nearly ultra-violet. He dropped the rope, all his focus on her.

"That's it? You got your answer and that is it?" Her voice matched her hands, both trembling with an uncontrollable power. She didn't notice that her hands were growing more vibrant, and that her knuckles had started to bubble slightly, fizzing against her skin.

"What do you want me to say?" He answered, forgetting what was currently happening at her hands, "What can I say to that?" He aggrieved, hands flying up in the air with a slightly annoyed expression. His actions, his tone of voice disguised the slight tremor in his hands.

"I want you to say something!" She started to yell, tears building up in her eyes.

"I want you to say that you know, that you understand, that you care-"

"I do care Petals-"

"No, don't you dare!" She continued, impassioned. Her hands began to produce bubbles violently, and small purple flames escaped from between her fingers, completely unnoticed by Tony.

"Don't use your stupid nicknames as some sort of peace offering, like they're meant to make anything better!"

Her breathing was ragged, and she blinked away her tears, swallowing them down as she set her jaw. Her anger suddenly died sown, and the glow from her hands dimmed. The impact of her words were like a knife, cutting through whatever bond they had built with each other, venom spewing from the cuts.

"They never were." Tony said quietly, face stoic as he picked up his ropes and suit, turning around and walking, not waiting for Lilly. She didn't say anything, too consumed with her own guilt at the slight hurt in his eyes.

She sighed, sick of ruining everything that she was given. A family, she was being given a family, something she had begged for in her head for her entire life, and here she was, throwing it all away just because she couldn't control her feelings.

Silently she knelt to the snow, and grabbed handfuls of each to soothe the fire that still warmed them, to purify the poison that coated them. Her hands hissed, and her flames writhed as they died, agitated serpents. She watched the water that was forming a puddle in her palms, dripping through her fingers, and she stood back up, shaking her hands as water droplets flew around. She continued to trudge trough the snow, trying hard to step in her fathers footsteps as they made an easy path for her considerably smaller feet. 

She knew that she would have to make this better, she knew that she had to apologise for overreacting in such a way.

He would forgive her, it might take her a bit of begging seeing as her father did enjoy the dramatics, but he would forgive her.

Lilly just didn't know if it was in her to forgive herself.


Hi there!

Yes I know I know this chapter was much shorter than the rest of Phase One, I am aware of that, but I have a good idea about where I want to finish this phase and start the next.

I feel like I'll do a longer than usual chapter for the next chapter, just so I have enough to fit into a third Phase and yeah.

I lost like six followers, so it's either some glitch that's been going around or I took too long to update.


Tony nearly, NEARLY found out fully about her "powers" , what did you guys thing about that?

Also, any comments on their little argument?

Vote and comment!

See ya, very soon!

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