Part 4

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The bubble in which the girl has now found to be in fact a door to another room, is very similar to the first room she walked into with the nurse.


It was confusing, everything that had happened to her. Why was she shown the girl that could possibly be the next one here.

Another to be called new.

A life that goes no where, there are no memories.

It's empty here, totally empty.

She walks to the far end of the room and sits down. She's confused, tired, and it feels like an endless amount of exhaustion. Laying down and resting her head against what seems to be the barrier between falling into an endless fall, and remaining on this floor, it turns white.

A white floor has come to view, simply by her touch.

Curiosity takes over and getting up she begins to reach for walls. Soon enough four very plain walls turn white as well.

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