Part 3.

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The white walls remain in uniform with the rest of the hospital. But the corridor that the girl has now entered into does not hold the same liveliness that the rest of the hospital has held throughout her short journey.

Second Girl : "You must be new."

The voice chimed in from a place that wasn't at first visible, until the unknown girl suddenly was seen. A room was reveled and she was sure that it wasn't there before.

Girl: "Um, yeah. I guess."

This didn't feel right to the girl seeings that she was now just another soul that has arrived. She still felt alive, as if she was important to somebody. But she's not, she's just new.

Second Girl: "You will sooner or later find out where you belong, just keep walking."

Girl: "Wait, do you know what's going on here?"

Second Girl:

The second girl smirked but disappeared just as the nurse had. So the girl did as she said and kept walking. The hospital as she realized earlier was different. There were no rooms, no furniture, no widows, and the only other company she has come across were the few nurses that she had first seen and the unknown girl that came out of nowhere.

There seemed to be no end to the walking and exploring. Just as she was ready to give up she saw a door. Not a regular door. It was circular, almost like a bubble that you could walk inside of. She walked closer and soon she disappeared just like everyone else had.

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