Part 5.

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Satisfied with her efforts finally showing results, she stares at the walls that were not there when she walked into the room. She was no longer sure what emotions were rushing around her mind...

Nurse: "It seems to be that you have found your place."

Startled the girl jumps and turns to see a familiar face.

Girl: "I suppose I have. Yes."

So this room the one she found out of pure exhaustion, is "her place." The mysterious room in which her touch brought upon walls, is where she will stay and hopefully one day leave.

Nurse: "That's good. You show more promise than anyone that has been here lately."

Promise? Promise  for what? And how many people come here, and for what? And who were the people she witnessed sleeping earlier? And why did her room not have walls until she touched them?
These questions have continuously slammed her.

Girl: "E-excuse me, lately? Meaning you get new arrivals because the others leave?"

The nurse smiles. Amused it seems to the girl. The nurse is amused with her struggle to understand.

Nurse: "You're curious. That's good. It means you might not give up trying to find the answers."

Girl: "Find the answers? Are you serious, how am I supposed to find anything? There is nothing here!"

Frustration embraced the girl as curiosity guided her directly into its arms. And the nurse turned and vanished once more leaving the girl to make it on her own.
The girl mumbles under her breath an insult that does nothing and sits on the floor with her company of frustration and curiosity.

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