Chapter 6

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I decided I needed to get ready. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I took out my makeup bag and started on that first. One I was done I started on my hair. I made it wavy and then added hairspray to keep it in place.

I have a thing about choosing my outfits for a day the day before. Today I was wearing a crop top with black skinny jeans and my white boots with a black heel.

Once I was done I had half an hour left before we were going. I was really dreading this but Mikey said I didn't have to talk to Nathan so I could cope with that. I walked downstairs to see the others sitting in the living room eating. "You nearly ready bets" Parisa asked. "Yea, just gonna have something to eat and then I'm done" I said and they nodded.

I walked into the kitchen to make some toast and 2 minutes later Parisa walked in. "Don't worry about today, you don't even have to talk to him" I smiled. "Thanks" I said.

30 minutes later we were pulling up outside the bowling ally. I was quite nervous now and my leg wouldn't stop shaking. We got out the car and the wanted were already leaning against the wall waiting for us. We walked over and all greeted each other except me and Nathan. I didn't even look at him. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head and that was enough.

All together there was 10 of us because toms girlfriend Kelsey came. Sivas girl couldn't make it. Jay chose the teams which I wish he hadn't. On a team was Me, Mikey, Tom, Max and Nathan, yep great isn't it. Not. The other team was Jay,Siva,Parisa,Kelsey and Charlie. I was first and not to brag or anything but I was amazing a bowling. I always won Nathan.

As I picked up my ball I could see Nathan smirking. I looked at him and winked. Not in a flirty or friendly way just to show him we both knew that I was the best. "Do your thing" he said and I laughed. I lined my self up and threw the ball directly in the middle getting a strike. I turned around and walked back like nothing happened. Nathan applauded and everyone just stared. "What?" I asked. "You could have told us you were good" jay said. "Well I've only ever played against one person and he wasn't exactly hard to beat" I laughed. "Hey, I'm not that bad, you're just really good" Nathan sulked.

"Suck it up Sykes"i said and Nathan's face lit up. I always used to call him Sykes. I hardly called him Nathan I'm guessing he was glad i called him that. Just cause I just talked to Nathan doesn't mean were friends. It's just banter. We won't be friends again until he tells me why he didn't call or stay in touch with me.

We carried on playing and I carried on getting strikes. It was our last bowl and if I got a strike our team had won. I might be good but so is Charlie. I lined my self up and threw the ball once again. And again it knocked down all 10 pins perfectly. I turned around and Nathan picked me up spinning me around. He then must have realised what he was doing because he put my down quickly and things soon became awkward. I quickly walked away from him and everyone looked at me awkwardly.

No matter what happened I will always love Nathan but I can't even try and be his friend till he tells me why he didn't call me. We then all sat down in the restaurant and ordered food.

While we were eating our food I heard a loud cough come from the end of our table. I looked up to see my worst nightmare. My mom was here. What was she doing here. She was glaring intently at Nathan and he was just looking scared.

"Mom what are you doing here" I asked. "I came to see my daughter, nice to see you hear, with Nathan" she gritted her teeth. "Oh" I said. "I don't want you living in London anymore. Your coming back home" she spoke. "What, no I'm not. Why would I do that. I have the band. I have friends I'm not going anywhere with you" I told her. "Yes you are, I'm your mother and you will do as I say"

"You haven't been my mother since I was 11 years old. Karen was always a better mother to me. Why do you want me to come back for anyway, you don't even like me" I shouted earning stares from people around us. "Karens not like your mother. She's a rubbish mom, have you seen her kids" she laughed.

"Don't even talk about my mom like that" Nathan growled standing up. "Pipe down pretty boy. I've warned you once" she said. That confused me. What does she mean warned him once.

"I'm done being scared of your threats. Your probably the worst mother ever and have no right to critise mine" he said and walked out. I need to know what he meant by that. I ran out after him.

"Nathan" I shouted. He turned around and walked towards me. "What did you mean back there. What did my mom say to you" I asked. He looked as if he was debating something.


So I have a question. Do you want me to make nathan tell bb the truth or shall I keep her waiting a while longer??

Thanks for reading loves.

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Stay beautiful

Anna x

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