Heaven and Hell- Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head," Alastair growled.

"How dare you come in this room... you pussing sore?" Uriel gasped.

"Name-calling. That hurt my feelings... You sanctimonious, fanatical prick."

"Turn around and walk away now," Castiel threatened.

"Sure. Just give us the girl. We'll make sure she gets punished good and proper."

"You know who we are and what we will do. I won't say it again. Leave now... or we lay you to waste."

"Think I'll take my chances," he smirked. Suddenly, Uriel pounced on one demon, throwing him into a wooden post. Castiel raised his hand to exorcize Alastair, but the demon just smirked.

"Sorry, kiddo. Why don't you go run to daddy?" This wasn't your fight, so you stayed out of their way. Uriel exorcized another demon just as Alastair grabbed Castiel's throat.

"Potestas inferna, me confirma." By the sound of it, the demon was trying to exorcise the angel. There was no way you were letting Castiel die this way. Forcing your magic up your body, you expelled it through your hands, letting it shoot out of your palms and right into the demon. He grunted as it hit him, making him let go of Castiel. Both the Angel and the Demon looked at you, each with different expressions.

"Don't touch him," you threatened.

"Ah, the wonder witch," he laughed. He was about to tear you a new one when all of you heard Uriel scream no. Looking over, you saw Anna snatch the necklace off him before she threw it to the ground. Upon breaking, the white grace flew into her mouth, and no one could make a move to stop it.

"Shut your eyes!" she screamed as she fell to the ground in pain. "Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes!"

Seeing the white light get brighter and brighter the longer she had her grace inside her, you saw Ruby cover her eyes so she wouldn't die from that. Quickly looking at Sam and Dean, the first thing you thought of was protecting them. Quickly rushing over to them, your magic formed a force field over the three of you, shielding them from Anna's powers.

The longer you held that magic, the more your head hurt. However, you weren't going to let them die because of this. With the force field intact, they were able to open their eyes without getting hurt. It was like your magic prevented the rays that came with being an Angel.

"Y/N, your nose!" Dean said once he saw the blood drip down.

"I'm okay," you whispered. Uriel hated the fact that Anna got her grace back, but when he looked at you and saw that blood, an idea started forming. Too much magic meant more weakness for you. He could use that against you, and finally defeat you. Amara was more than just a bedtime story, he knew she was real and how much of a threat she bared. It's why Lucifer aided in putting her away and why he was serving Lucifer from outside the cage. He needed you gone, and now he found a way.

Castiel watched as Anna's wings sprouted out of her back. Because the light was too bright, Alastair disappeared in a flash of black smoke, leaving behind Ruby's knife. Castiel looked at you to see your magic, but he focused on his sister for the moment. He would talk to you about that later. Suddenly, the light died out just as Anna disappeared. No need for your force field anymore, you retracted the magic, groaning at the pain in your head.

"Come on, you're okay," Dean said as he helped you to your feet. Sam quickly snatched the demon knife before turning to the Angels.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get Anna. Unless, of course, you're scared."

"This isn't over," Uriel said just as Castiel placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah," you whispered, refusing to meet his eye. Just then, the Angels disappeared, leaving you and the demon alone.

"You okay?" Sam asked the demon.

"Not so much."

"What took you so long to get here?" Dean asked as he assessed your injuries.

"Sorry, I'm late with the demon delivery. I was only being tortured."

"I got to hand it to you, Sammy. Bringing them all together all at once—angels and demons. It was a damn good plan."

"Yeah, well, when you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight."

"Yeah, now you're just bragging," you groaned.

"So, I guess she's some big-time angel now, huh? She must be happy... Wherever she is."

"I doubt it," Dean sighed. With the demons and angels off your ass, there was nothing left to do but go home, wherever that is.


"I can't believe we made it out of there," you sighed as you leaned against the side of the car with Dean,

"Again," Sam chuckled from his spot on the hood. The three of you were in complete silence when Dean broke it.

"It wasn't four months, you know."

"What?" you asked, looking at him.

"It was four months up here, but down there... I don't know. Time's different. It was more like 40 years."

"My God," Sam breathed out. Both of you were looking at the older brother as he talked.

"They, uh, they sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you... Until there was nothing left. And then, suddenly I would be whole again like magic just so they could start in all over. And Alastair, at the end of every day, he would come over, and he would make me an offer. To take me off the rack if I put souls on... if I started the torturing. And every day, I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For 30 years, I told him. But then I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't, and I got off that rack. God help me, I got right off it, and I started ripping them apart. I lost count of how many souls," Dean took a break as a tear slid down his cheek. "The—the things that I did to them."

"Dean... Dean, look, you held out for 30 years. That's longer than anyone would have," Sam said with a pained tone.

"How I feel... This... inside me," Dean cried. "I wish I couldn't feel anything. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing."

You, on the other hand, didn't have anything to say. Tears were rolling down your cheeks at his story because of how much pain he was in. And there wasn't a damn thing you could do to make it better.

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