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It's been a few days since I found out that, I was related to them. After I found out Slendy shortly found us with Zalgo and put him back in hell.

I was sitting on my bed replaying the scene in my head. Trying to remember if I saw if they were lying or not.

I gave up after a while. I decided that they weren't lying and it was all true. So I went down stairs. I got some hot pockets out.

I was about to eat them when Jeff came up to me and said "Y/N. Can we- uhh talk?"

He scared the shit out of me. I dropped my hot pocket in the prosses. "Not my hot pocket... Yeah sure!" I spoke up towards the end. "When?"

"Tonight in my room." and with that he just walked off.

"Wait. Did he say his room?" I was mentally freaking out. I was freaking out so bad my all my mind said was 'Lemon...'

I was blushing at the thought of me and Jeff doing 'it'. "What cha' thinking about?" Amy scared the shit out of me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I fell out of my seat. She laughed at me. "And I w-wasn't thinking about a-anything!" I lied.

"Okay. Whatever you say." sounding like she didn't believe me. And with that she walked off.

I turned around to see BEN. He was the third person to scar the shit out of me in less then 10 minutes. "What the hell BEN!?" I scream at him holding my chest. All he did was laugh. Just like Amy.

Time Skip


I was out killing people and what not. I was out all day that when I came back to the mansion it was night.

I walked in the house, well technically the mansion. I didn't see Jeff so I knew he had to be in his room.

I was a bit scared because when someone says they need to talk, then it means something bad. But we weren't dating yet. So I didn't know why I was scared.

I finally made it to his room. I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in.." It was quiet but still audible.

I walked in and closed the door behind me like it was. I saw Jeff sitting on his bed. "You needed to talk to me?"

"Yeah..." He sounded sad which was weird.

"Why are you so sad?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Huh? Oh. I'm not. I'm just-" I lied my head on his shoulder stopping him from talking. He looked at me confused.

"I just felt like doing it." Knowing what he wanted to ask.

He just went with it. And we stayed in that position for a few minutes. "Je-"



We both started to talk at the same time but stopped realizing how close we were. Our faces were centimeters apart.

I could see that he was staring at my lips. I started to lean in and he did the same. We closed the gap between us. The first kiss was just a small peck. Then he kisses started to get longer and longer. Our lips were moving in synch.


Let me know if you want a lemon for the next chapter. Although I might back out last second. But if you guys do want it then I'll try and make one.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now