Niece. Daughter. Sister.

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Was I hearing right? Did Zalgo just call Amy her sister? "I am not your sister!" Amy shouted back at him. Or maybe she isn't his sister.

"Okay fine half sister! But I can still think of you as a sister. Can't I?" Amy looked furious.

"No, you can't!" she protested. 

Zalgo was about to say something until "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" I shouted. "Now. Are you two related in any kind of way?" I asked as I calmed down from being confused.

They both nod in unison. I didn't know what to say. After all they were siblings. Well half siblings. 

Jeff and BEN suddenly barged in. Jeff helped me off the ground, considering that I was still on the floor. "You okay?" Jeff asked concerned. I nod. I saw Amy out of the corner of my eye with a smirk on her face.

"If you came to give yourself to me then I still won't stop this war." Zalgo said. 

'Man he's full of himself...' I thought to myself.

"Not the point! We told her that were siblings! Now we need to tell her that She's your daughter and my niece!"

"Wait what?" Me and Jeff said in synch. 


"You said something." I told her.

"No I didn't."

"Really? You're going to do this again?" Jeff asked like she's done this before.

"Alright, stop. I am not just going to sit here and let this argument go on and on. You are my biological daughter. And since she's my sister, she's your aunt." He said pointing to himself then at Amy.

"Wait wait wait... So you're saying that she's related to you both?" Jeff asked very confused.

They both nod at his question and then I ask, well more like stated "Niece. Daughter. Sister."

They both nod in unison to my question.


They were surprised. They expected something more, emotional. But I didn't really have aby emotion in my tone or on my face.

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